Bloody great. Hit the nail right on the head with just about everything he said. Shoe-in at the next election ...
What sections of Cameron's speech did you like?
Personally, I think there are a whole load of mechanisms that no government of the day should ever be deciding, such as:
a) The electoral system
b) When elections are
c) Who serves in the House of Lords
The reason is simply that a government of the day is likely to make decisions designed to serve its own party interest, rather than the good of the country.
In no part of his speech is he committing to a Conservative Government relinquishing any of those powers above. It shows how empty what he is saying actually is. To say he would 'seriously consider' fixed term parliaments doesn't actually say anything, and gives him the option to change his mind depending on what serves his party's interest, before and after an election.
I read his article in the Guardian this morning and what he says makes a lot of sense until you realise that he makes no firm commitments on just about anything.
Cameron is a brilliant presenter but he's more slippery than an eel in a jar of vaseline. The only question is whether he'll get found out before the election.
Im afraid that your tactics are flawed let me explain, In the vast majority of cases the only type of voter not to vote Tory but hate this current administration would have voted Labour in the last couple of elections so they spread their votes accross the many alternatives including the none of the above party ect giving the Tories an even bigger majority, it happened in 97 and will happen again MMW.For those who hate Labour: the solution is NOT to vote Conservative. This country is in grave danger of sleepwalking into a nightmare four or eight years of divisive, destructive Tory rule, not because the party is presenting a credible alternative agenda, but because people just want to punish Brown & Co.
Use your vote positively - not as a reaction to something you dislike. I'm voting Green in the Euros.
more slippery than an eel in a jar of vaseline.