Worried Man Blues
Well-known member
aka Woo Woo but maybe just in our house!
There is a way to rid the badgers.
Put a can of shaving foam in the middle of your lawn.
If that fails (serious way), drink loads of beer and spirits, wait an hour and get out there with the friend that you hold so close to you and hose the lawn, being careful to circle the borders of the lawn with that Urea.
You have now marked your territory if that fails, go the jasper carrot mole killing route.
Millions of the buggers here in Kent.
I blame global warming, or the Chinese, take your pick.
It could be the fact we had a mild winter, so less leatherjackets succumbed to adverse weather......but we'll go with other theories if people want to
I thank you for all those options, the territory marking has been tried but perhaps needs to be a little more frequent.
I have learned something this morning.
We've had hundreds of Daddy Long Legs (Crane flies) over the last few weeks. I also have a lawns that has struggled to grow this summer... I never knew the two were linked. Is there anything I can put on the lawn to kill off the leatherjackets and perhaps given my lawn a fighting chance next year?
The very dry spell won't have helped your lawn either, but something along the lines of the above should help with the leatherjackets
I'm always at war with leatherjackets and earlier this year gave my lawn a good dose of nematodes.
Only seen 4 DLLs this Autumn and all 4 met a swift death ....
If you have a crap lawn, chances are leatherjackets are feasting on your grass roots - ba$tards
Have The Daily Mail described them as blood sucking mutant Crane flies yet?
I have learned something this morning.
We've had hundreds of Daddy Long Legs (Crane flies) over the last few weeks. I also have a lawns that has struggled to grow this summer... I never knew the two were linked. Is there anything I can put on the lawn to kill off the leatherjackets and perhaps given my lawn a fighting chance next year?
Blithering ****wits all over the shop atm. Seem to take a particular liking to bludgeoning themselves trying to escape out of the never open loft skylight in our extension leading to something akin to a death assemblage on the carpet stairs.
Best thing you can do if you hate them is get a cat. They bloody love snacking on them.
Seen a lot of Crane Fly in the last few weeks. But not many spiders.
Some people call these Daddy Long Legs:
In colloquial speech, crane flies are sometimes known as mosquito hawks[3] or daddy longlegs,[4] a term also used to describe opiliones or the family Pholcidae, both of which are arachnids
This is a Daddy Long Legs:
As an Aussie ... that is a DDL. Crane fly = crane fly.
As an avid Sci Fi reader, that is a Martian spy (miniaturised, 8 legged version of War of the Worlds tripod).
That reminds me. In1976 during the drought one of the red tops said that ladybirds were taking to biting people for their blood feeds because all the vegetatation had dried out... Allnthe kids at school starting killing them