honey boy zimba
Can anybody recomend a top cuury house in brum dont care if its pricey as long as its good me and jr zimba love a good cuury many thanks
Take the advice I was given before going to Chinatown in Toronto, which was to avoid all the flash looking places and go for one with mainly Chinese clientelle as they wouldn't eat anywhere over-priced or rubbish. This seems to work well wherever you go, so for Birmingham try and find a restaurant with plenty of Asians eating in it and you shouldn't be disappointed.
Cab to Sparkbrook, take your pick
This is the correct answer.
Is that "no alcohol" as in "no alcohol"? Or "no alcohol" as in "bring your own"? I've usually found that crowded bring your own establishments in Brum are the dog's bollocks (as in "reliably excellent").My Brummie friend recommends either Titash on Coventry Road Sheldon or where actual Indian's eat is Desicana (sp) On Startford Road. (No alcohol)
Is that "no alcohol" as in "no alcohol"? Or "no alcohol" as in "bring your own"? I've usually found that crowded bring your own establishments in Brum are the dog's bollocks (as in "reliably excellent").
I used to go to the Brasshouse a few years back. Always reliably fantastic.
No idea how good it is now though... Anyone?