What, while I was on a SOLO ride (allowed) and trying to steer clear of the GROUPS of people milling around (not allowed) while passing through in a matter of SECONDS??![]()
on the known most obviously busy stretch of concrete in BN. taw@t
What, while I was on a SOLO ride (allowed) and trying to steer clear of the GROUPS of people milling around (not allowed) while passing through in a matter of SECONDS??![]()
on the known most obviously busy stretch of concrete in BN. taw@t
The biggest cause of the spread of the virus is the government's failure to:
Deliver a clear, unequivocal message.
Enforce the restrictions
Reign in the likes of Cummings and his breaking of the regulations and their absurd response to it.
These are the failings that have lead to "covidiots". It is down to our government I'm afraid.
Not sure you did for most holidays over the summer, I'm talking UK as well. the pub groups thing is bollocks, locally I saw groups one day in pub A, then half of them with a different gang in another pub a few days later . . . I'm sure restaurants have been the same. If its all care homes and hospitals why are they now rammed to the gunnels with young seemingly fit and healthy people ?
I do blame some of the public as much as I blame the government. most people are selfish, idiotic in their actions and provably ignorant to the risks.
Love you too
Its either that, or ride up the main road to get home - and no doubt I would've got abuse for doing that from drivers too.
I chose the safer option for me - even though I would've obviously preferred it to be quiet down there.
I wasn't with anyone, I managed to get through fairly quickly, I had a mask on, I didn't stop and add to the crowds by talking to anyone, or grabbing a coffee from the cafe.
I assumed I was doing the right thing....but ok.
how closely are you watching people to notice the pub thing you say. WOW
as for hopitals being rammed to the gunnles with young fit and healthy people - ABSOLUTE TOSH
Love you too
Its either that, or ride up the main road to get home - and no doubt I would've got abuse for doing that from drivers too.
I chose the safer option for me - even though I would've obviously preferred it to be quiet down there.
I wasn't with anyone, I managed to get through fairly quickly, I had a mask on, I didn't stop and add to the crowds by talking to anyone, or grabbing a coffee from the cafe.
I assumed I was doing the right thing....but ok.
Anyone that goes out is running the risk of killing an old relative, yes people take precautions but people are still catching it.
There seems to be a shift in blaming people for this mess who are out walking in a park/beach instead of the Gov, the term covidiot seems to be used by those in a position of being able to work from home/not hourly paid/ with a house and garden.
Obviously there are the people having raves etc that are idiots.
how closely are you watching people to notice the pub thing you say. WOW
as for hopitals being rammed to the gunnles with young fit and healthy people - ABSOLUTE TOSH
No need to name people, or be overly specific, I was just making a point
My Brother lives above one pub, I have collected takeaways from there, and another I use also, has a large window, its just off the beaten track, I walk past often walking the dog. So you can see who's in there . . . . . but you've gone from a family group, to a group of 6, to say a group of 24+ massively multiplying the risk of spread. And yes, some of them have got it/ had it, so I've heard.
Hopsitals are rammed yes ? An increasing number of younger people are in there, ie under 60 say . . . the stats back it up . . . . and whilst they may well be alright Jack in a few weeks, its their parents/grandparents who are dieing unecessarily as it gets spread around.
just selfishness in spades. Seems most people have a good personal excuse for doing what the **** they want and screw anyone else.
Of course, Covidiots love a get out of jail free card. Much easier to blame the Government than take personal responsibility. Perhaps we should all do the same then ? To hell with thinking of others and the NHS. I’m sorry but this pandemic has exposed serial selfishness in many Westerners and willing apologists just encourage this attitude.
Correct - tosh. Approx 80% of hospitalisations with Covid are O55s.
links point to cases . Not the hospitals rammed with young as you incorrectly stated.
Its nit picking but its important to correct it as it creates hysteria in people
Shoreham has been a quiet town until last year, its like Brighton now. I walk to the beach with the dog most days, swim myself most days in the summer . . . . The footbridge is so busy now I often walk the long way round to avoid
Its a bit of a no win situation. Shoreham has been a quiet town until last year, its like Brighton now. I walk to the beach with the dog most days, swim myself most days in the summer . . . . The footbridge is so busy now I often walk the long way round to avoid, East St is just a queue of lycra clads 'exercising' their right to buy a takeaway coffee and pastry.
Nothings helped by such short days. I was late home last Fri and took the dog out @ 7pm, lovely and quiet . . .no one on the beach![]()
My days, if youre really that vulnerable you shouldn't be going out.
My wife's oldest and best friend and husband continue to behave as if there is no pandemic. Last March it was the trip to Italy followed by the high temperature, continual cough and confined to bed with illness (it's not Covid, it's a return of our pre-christmas bug) including transmission to elderly mother, daughter and baby grandchild, no admission of Covid and daily 4 hour walks during lockdown. Happy Birthday to her today. They are celebrating with a nice 4 hour walk and picnic and a visit to mum and other relatives having seen them and a couple of other family households over Christmas. After all, they 'know it's bending the rules a bit, but...' Makes me frigging angry. When we see them again Post Covid, we'd better not talk pandemic as we've been pretty scrupulous throughout and they make my blood boil.
Selfish idiots !
My wifes friend was doing a similar thing visiting family over xmas. She didnt know she was covid +. She buries her mum next week who caught it over xmas![]()