-Sir, there seems to be some controversy over the idea of vaccine certificates.
-Seems some people think it might lead to a two teir society with prejudice and infighting etc
-We need to make them popular. People like football right? Lets suggest it might help them get to watch football
-Good idea, sir!
Exactly this. Football is simply the current 'vehicle' being used to get traction / acceptance for the certificate thing. I have no issue with showing a certificate (I am fortunate enough to have had both of my jabs for a good while), but I believe that this is simply an idea being used to 'show the advantages' of certification.
Expect more 'advantages' to be floated by govt over the next few weeks, and of course, kickback from those who object to vaccines / certification for all kinds of reasons.
Football is being used as a political football- there's a first