India. Wrong, in so many different ways . . . .
India. Wrong, in so many different ways . . . .
Mexico is great. Just go to the nice bits.
I'd like to visit North Korea just to see what it is really like (or at least as far as your official tour guide will let you see). You can go there with specialist tour agency's. Best not to ask too many difficult questions whilst there though!
One country I would not miss again from my travels is Saudi Arabia. Depressing place in so many ways.
Very easy.
1) USA
2) Australia
Sure, I'd never want to do business there. Leave that to HSBC.Worried about Mexico cos of lawlessness, like the people in control aren't the good guys, though sure there are nice places and people. I used to work for a Tequila company and the difficulty of doing business in the country was horrendous, like the No 1 issue every board meeting...
An idle question perhaps.
I don't mean basket-case places like DRC (sorry KLL) or North Korea.
I'd like to nominate Mexico... frightens the Bejasus out of me...
Brazil, as much as it sounds glamorous, no way all those muggings and murders.