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Controversy: Why are racists poor/thick/Kilroy?


Well-known member
May 23, 2004
Multi culturaliam is great when it adds something to society as a whole. The problem is when they aren't integrated fully into British life.

I have worked with Aussies and South Africans who seem to spend most of their social lives with other Aussies and South Africans and have seen adverts for spare rooms for rent 'for Aussies or Kiwis only', neither of which is a great advert for integration.

Westdene Seagull

aka Cap'n Carl Firecrotch
NSC Patron
Oct 27, 2003
The arse end of Hangleton
Gwylan said:

As Creamy points out; there are plenty of opportunities to speak out anonymously, on threads like this. Or they could vote in a secret ballot for parties such as the BNP and UKIP. But they don't: the likes of Mr Burns are generally in a small minority on boards like NSC and the BNP/UKIP get derisory numbers of votes.

Yes, I remember UKIP getting a very small number of votes in the last European elections !!!!! :jester:

BNP = Racist

UKIP = anti-EU

But unfortunately some people seem to think being anti-EU is racist.

Oh for the record, as a UKIP member, I'm fairly happy with the current imigration policies towards valid applicants. Illegal immigrants is a completely different issue.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
Westdene Seagull said:
Yes, I remember UKIP getting a very small number of votes in the last European elections !!!!! :jester:

BNP = Racist

UKIP = anti-EU

But unfortunately some people seem to think being anti-EU is racist.

Oh for the record, as a UKIP member, I'm fairly happy with the current imigration policies towards valid applicants. Illegal immigrants is a completely different issue.

I think most people are intelligent enough to realise that being anti-EU is not the same as being racist.,

Unfortunately, the UKIP isn't just an anti-EU party though; its policies on immigration are identical to the BNP (ie a total end to immigration). At the last election I got leaflets from UKIP and BNP on exactly the same day and the top three policies (on the EU, crime and immigration) were the same. It's a class issue: middle class people vote UKIP, working class vote BNP.

And I was talking about the general election but now you mention it, at the last European election, UKIP gathered about 2.5m votes, roughly 5% of the total electorate. That was at the height of anti-Labour feeling and shortly after Kilroy-Silk's high profile defection to UKIP. Fair play, it was a good result but I'll be staggered if UKIP gets close to that result at future elections. At the recent general election, it achieved 600,000 votes - that's under 0.2% of the electorate. Well done!


Jul 7, 2003
Herne Hill Seagull said:

Give me multi-culturalism and all its benefits, which far outweigh the attendant tensions, over old fashioned 'anglo-saxon' (has there even been such a thing since the eleventh century?) parochialism every time.

If it was a choice between that and the BNP I would choose the BNP. Thankfully there is more choice than either of you cretins.

Not only do you show a lack of history, but your post was racist or were you being Ironic.

I said before immigration is a mutlidimentional issue, first theres the capacity and resource issue. There is also the issue of national Identity. Personally I have only been intrested in the economic slant of the issue but times and things have changed.

You commie fuckers better brace yourselves.................

With less than 8% of the UK population being Black and other ethnic minorities, I believe it will take a whole long time before our beloved country "is overrun with immigrants".

Didn't the Nazi anti-Jew propaganda in the 30's, state the same and used images of rat colonies running around as a symbol of Jews taking over the Fatherland. 70 years on - have people not learnt anything.

I am proud of living in a borough - Hackney - where over 50% of the population are Black and other ethnic minorities (BEMR). In Dalston it’s probably more 70% but so what.


Philips of the CRE is a bit of a twat, who likes the sound bites; basically he is a career politician who can never get elected! Well done Ken for ensuring that arse never ran London.

Philips isn't against multiculturalism as such but believes the UK would be better getting recent immigrants to assimilate than to integrate.

To be honest he refers to the French and quotes it assimilation there as a success.

Frankly he is wrong. It doesn't work over there! The French cities have ghettos of immigrants either in the inner cities or on estates in the sticks, with poor contact to the host cities. A large number of French immigrants are alienated an experience racism from all levels of institutions and society.

A problem with the UK is the constant reference in the media and amongst the elders of the various BEMR's we have, that we must speak to the elders to understand their youth. No we don't. All over the world, in any culture the youth are the youth, they can represent themselves, they do not agree with their parents, their elders to not understand them.

What frightens me is that all of the issues that were highlighted in the 80's Scarman report, after the riots have just been dismissed.

The culture may have changed but a large number of immigrant population, live in poor quality housing, in a poor environment, in areas of low income and high deprivation, with poor quality schools etc etc. I know wonder the youth are p*ssed off.

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The size of the minority ethnic population was 4.6 million in 2001 or 7.9 per cent of the total population of the United Kingdom.

Indians were the largest minority group, followed by Pakistanis, those of Mixed ethnic backgrounds, Black Caribbeans, Black Africans and Bangladeshis. The remaining minority ethnic groups each accounted for less than 0.5 per cent but together accounted for a further 1.4 per cent of the UK population.

Ethnic group data were not collected on the Northern Ireland Census in 1991. However, in Great Britain the minority ethnic population grew by 53 per cent between 1991 and 2001, from 3.0 million in 1991 to 4.6 million in 2001.

Half of the total minority ethnic population were Asians of Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi or other Asian origin. A quarter of minority ethnic people described themselves as Black, that is Black Caribbean, Black African or Other Black. Fifteen per cent of the minority ethnic population described their ethnic group as Mixed. About a third of this group were from White and Black Caribbean backgrounds.

Mr Burns

New member
Aug 25, 2003
For the record I am not racist. I am white. But speaking as I did labels me racist, just as I said it would.

I have been to Africa on countless occisions, twice working as a vollenter in small villages, three times on holiday, in the past three years and I bloody love the locals. On top of that I plan many many more visits to Africa, I love the place (and yes, it is full of black people). The only Africans I dislike are the South African's in particular the whites, as the are so arrogrant. I've travelled through Asia and enjoyed the experience of seeing others cultures. The only people I didn't like were Vietnam's, and to be honest the way the US f***ed them over, I'm not surpirsed there not friendly to whites (who can blame them).

So to say I'm small minded and racist is bollocks.

What I am against is people from other countries moving here and depending on hand outs to survive. Nearly every seeker costs ten of thousands on average to process, by the time they've had their three appeals. (and only the lawyers gain from it). This goes on in the same country, who eldery people are treated like shit, because we can't afford to care for them, many die each year though cold.

Now if I'm racist for saying stop seekers and send all that we can back to where they come from, and spend the money looking after our own people, then I'm a racist.

I'm not for one second saying send all non whites from the country, because thats bollocks. But if there not British, then I say dont give them a penny. If they haven't got passports or a right to be here, dont let them into the country. I would'nt dream of going to Asia or Africa, or any where else in the world and except to receive a penny to look after me. And I dont except noone to come to my country and expect the same.

Some people on here make me laugh. For example the plane crash in Canada, everyones saying , ar hope no ones hurt. Thinking of them. People actully post a message saying that! Be honest who gives a f***! Unless you know someone involved. Do these same people think of an African child dying every three seconds, and post a message. Okay so 50 died in London. More than that went in three minutes in Africa through illness and hunger. If everyone one on the plane died, then thats less than an hours worth of Africans.

So, I think certain people need to take their head out of their arses and stop making themseleves think that their all caring and loving, and labeling people with an easy label title as racist, when in fact they would love to live their sad little lives out in front of a computer, pretending alls great and perfect in the outside world.

That's the end of my rant for now as I'm off to play football..... in the real world, not championship manager!!!
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Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
Mr Burns said:
For the record I am not racist. I am white. But speaking as I did labels me racist, just as I said it would.

Oh boy, we are sensitive...

I've just read the thread again and not one person has accused you of being racist. Only a few people commented on your post directly none of them called you a racist ...although I note you ignored London Irish's question about whether Leon Knight is English or not.

Mr Burns

New member
Aug 25, 2003
Gwylan said:
although I note you ignored London Irish's question about whether Leon Knight is English or not.
Why pick on Leon Knight. Because of the colour of his skin? I couldn't give a f*** what he is. If he come to the country and was a drain on it, ie got free hand outs and a place to live then f*** him. If he or his family came here and worked for their living (which as a footballer he probably does, although a few games last season it was debaitable (joke)) and then good luck to him. To be honest though I don't know where Leon's from and don't care.
Everyone groups immigration and asylum together, when they are totally different issues.

Did anyone see Meridan Tonight, with I think they were Iran's being deported.
"Oh they will question me, interrorgate me, kill me if I'm sent back." My heart bleed. One question which is never asked in these interviews... why will they? You must have done something wrong? You live in that country, you go by their laws. If I commited a serious crime in the Uk under UK laws, and managed to get aboard, I wouldn't want to be returned here.
So why come to England then? And not your nearst 'safe' country. Er, Answer because we're a soft touch.


Doing something wrong like:
not being the main religious group and requesting equality,
or requesting democracy,
or writing articles in papers?

People don't just walk to the next country. They seek areas with contacts, or of couse they go to areas with flights, or via the freight routes. Or of course there are the people smuggling routes that have been established for thousands of years.


OK, Mr Burns, so you have no problem with economic migration, people like Leon Knight's parents coming here to work. Good.

Surely then you would then have no problem with aslyum seekers coming here and doing an honest day's work too? "Good luck to them", yeah?
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DJ Leon

New member
Aug 30, 2003
I don't think it is just the poor and the thick that are racist. They may be the racists you hear about or more from, but I certainly don't believe that middle England doesn't have the same amount (or a greater number of) prejudices as any other section of the country.

As pointed out, look at the Daily Mail, it's readership are mostly middle class women.

DJ Leon

New member
Aug 30, 2003
London Irish said:
OK, Mr Burns, so you have no problem with economic migration, people like Leon Knight's parents coming here to work. Good.

Surely then you would then have no problem with aslyum seekers coming here and doing an honest day's work too? "Good luck to them", yeah?

Good point.

It's worth mentioning to the 'close the borders' brigade their approach SHOULD mean refusing immigration to Americans, Australians, all other western Europeans, etc etc. It can't just be for people with the wrong colour skin or from 'undesirable' parts of western Europe.

I don't suppose that this would be a particularly popular policy with the rest of the world, who would probably return suit and promptly close their borders to us.

Mr Burns

New member
Aug 25, 2003
London Calling said:
Doing something wrong like:
not being the main religious group and requesting equality,
or requesting democracy,
or writing articles in papers?

People don't just walk to the next country. They seek areas with contacts, or of couse they go to areas with flights, or via the freight routes. Or of course there are the people smuggling routes that have been established for thousands of years.

Well although I know it'll make you scream, but yes.
If I lived in a country and knew I'd be killed for expressing certain views, than I wouldn't express them. I wouldn't go to one of these countries and slag of their way of life and go against there views. It's not going to help their country if everyone who disagrees with whatever issues, goes and lives elsewhere.
As for flights and freight routes.... are we the only country with flights in from these countries? International asylum rules state that you must go to your nearest safe country. Not come to England because its easy pickings, which is what happening.

Mr Burns

New member
Aug 25, 2003
DJ Leon said:
Good point.

It's worth mentioning to the 'close the borders' brigade their approach SHOULD mean refusing immigration to Americans, Australians, all other western Europeans, etc etc. It can't just be for people with the wrong colour skin or from 'undesirable' parts of western Europe.

I don't suppose that this would be a particularly popular policy with the rest of the world, who would probably return suit and promptly close their borders to us.
But this mixes the Asylum and immgration issues, when they are totally seperate.

Mr Burns

New member
Aug 25, 2003
London Irish said:
OK, Mr Burns, so you have no problem with economic migration, people like Leon Knight's parents coming here to work. Good.

Surely then you would then have no problem with aslyum seekers coming here and doing an honest day's work too? "Good luck to them", yeah?
No. If we are their nearest safe country, come on down. If you they choose England because they think it'll be the best place to go, then no. Emergrate (Sorry about spelling) here, dont claim asylum.

Mr Burns said:
No. If we are their nearest safe country, come on down. If you they choose England because they think it'll be the best place to go, then no. Emergrate (Sorry about spelling) here, dont claim asylum.

So you would be happy to let all people currently claiming asylum stay here and work as economically-motivated immigrants? "Good luck to them", just as you wished Leon Knight's family :)

Mr Burns

New member
Aug 25, 2003
London Irish said:
So you would be happy to let all people currently claiming asylum stay here and work as economically-motivated immigrants? "Good luck to them", just as you wished Leon Knight's family :)
Anyone who has been granted it yes. I would try and help them move back in their own country, as I'm sure if they left under distress, they would like to live in their own lands, if it was safe for them. If not possible then, we've accepted them, so be it.
As for anyone who is currently claiming or waiting, or any one in the future, and if we are their nearest safe country, when welcome. If not, reject them, either back to their country, or the nearest safe country to where their from. Whether they are Asian, Middle East, African, Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, American, or whatever. Until we can look after our own people, whether white, black or purple, young or old, then we should not look after outsiders in our own land. Help them in their land maybe, but not here.
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Mr Burns said:
Until we can look after our own people, whether white, black or purple, young or old, then we should not look after outsiders in our own land. Help them in their land maybe, but not here.

Except the real world isn't like that - and I think you know that very well. Global migration is increasing rapidly and it's very much the case that people are leaving this country quicker than they are arriving. People you paint as "outsiders" can settle here pretty quickly and play a vital role in economically keeping this country going - becoming "English" in a blink of an eye. Or at least my definition of English, not sure about yours given your earlier comment about "the few English left becoming a minority" :)

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