Sanity Clause
- May 5, 2008
- 28,310
Dear NSC Wisdom please help me.
In September I sold my little Yamaha RIB & 4HP outboard to a lovely bloke from Hove. I was chuffed to get £650 for it, exactly what I paid for it 5 years ago. As part of the sale I started and ran the outboard for half a minute to demonstrate it worked. I also declared that as I hardly ever used the outboard I had never had it serviced.
2 weeks later he calls me as he can't get the outboard to start. I offer to go to his house and have a look at it. I'm no expert. I go at it until my arm is falling off and cannot get it started. He tells me he's spoken to a marine mechanic who will service it for £100. I concede that that is I cost I would likely have incurred during my ownership and I offer to pay for the service.
Last weekend he texts me to say that due to pump & exhaust issues the service came to £300. How do I want to pay? I say that was not a number I expected to hear, or the number I agreed to in his garden. A very long passive aggressive text tirade follows in which I go extra generous and offer to go halves. He then launches an attack on my decency and starts quoting the consumer rights act at me with lots of exclamation marks!!!!!
I remind him how reasonable I've been and tell him that he's now on his own. I retract my offer of half the service.
My mind is open to the fact that I may have got this wrong, which is why I'm asking you fine folk.
Thank you
I think you have been pretty good over an aside, my pal has had a couple of SIB's and used to have a 2.5 horse outboard, he used to get a service once a year and it usually cost £70 all in.