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[Misc] Conspiracy theories

Music City Gull

Not Changing This, Bozza
Jun 28, 2020
12 South
Indeed, and did hitler escape to South America by submarine thru the rat-lines?

If you ever have the access or interest, there is a show on the history channel in the US called Hunting Hitler. It’s 4 seasons long. Regardless if you believe the overall storyline it is beautifully shot and they go everywhere from tunnels to Berlin’s airport, through buildings in Spain and all through the Nazi buildings in South America. They, of course, make it seem rather obvious he got out of his bunker, but regardless of that the show does an incredible job of showing the full line of Nazi connections from Germany through SA. Really interesting to see everything.

Music City Gull

Not Changing This, Bozza
Jun 28, 2020
12 South
The Denver Airport conspiracies. Now I will say it is a freaking weird airport with a gigantic horse with glowing red eyes at its entrance, though it is one of my favorite airports for a layover. My guess is there is something to it’s massive underground being used for some sort of government something, but I doubt it is sinister.

Music City Gull

Not Changing This, Bozza
Jun 28, 2020
12 South
That's literally a couple of opinion polls with nothing proven either way. There's no indication of the sample size, the question wording, whether it was multiple choice. I really don't think that they asked EVERY New Yorker. Or let me put it another way. It is not acceptable on NSC to start threads about other users, but, hypothetically, if I was to start a poll that said "do you think Swansman has a good grasp of Graham Potter's tactics?" with a simple yes / no answer you might do quite well. If I then started another that said "do you think Swansman, who admits he hoards pizza boxes, smokes weed, believes in conspiracy theories and wants to build a sex dungeon under the Amex is a bit mad?" you might not fare so well. If nine of the first ten people who replied said you were mad and I then closed the poll, would it be fair of me to troll you for the rest of your NSC career saying 90% of NSC users thought you were mental?

Your use of a poll where people have picked out Israel as an answer, together with other stuff you've posted on this thread, also make me think you're an anti-semite. That's really not a good look on here considering who owns the club.

Thanks for your efforts on this thread. I’ve said it before (and linked a picture of my mom’s old Soviet newspaper) most of my family works and worked for the NSA - including my mom who was a Russian translator before she had me. I don’t talk about it much because it shouldn’t be used to defend internet conspiracies but my aunt was injured in the pentagon attack. I’ve been surprised going back through the years on this site. They make the conspiracy sound like an enjoyable rabbit hole. It’s not to everyone.

The US government is vast and has a lot of people in agencies that would know this info. It’s essentially statistically impossible to try and keep something like the logistics to pull that off under wraps.

Hell, a close friend of the family was a secret service agent. He notified us of OBL death hours before it became public and has shown us the picture of him definitely deceased. Leaks happen.

Harry Wilson's tackle

Harry Wilson's Tackle
NSC Patron
Oct 8, 2003
I like your rule of 6.

The thing that interests me is that it appears to be an all or nothing situation with conspiracy theorists. You rarely see a conspiracy theorist who only believes one or two while dismissing others.

This suggests to me that there could be some defiency in their ability to understand and process the information they are presented with. Perhaps they are more suceptable to the persuasive information they find when they are 'doing their research". I wonder if their has been a study into the personality types and intellecual make up of those subscribing to these theories.

Another similarity in conspiracy theorists is to not actually share their conclusions freely. This seem prevelant with the COVID theories doing the rounds. I have/had a couple of 'friends' on facebook telling me that I should be opening my eyes to the truth of what is happening. They also seem very reluctant to actually tell me that that truth is. "Do your own research' or 'join the dots' is about as much as one gets.

Indeed. It is part of a mindset. I worked with a bloke who paid £30 (almost a week's wages then) for a 'pyramid'. He slept under it and claimed it cured many illnesses. Also he claimed that if you put a glass of tap water under it and left it for a few hours, it would turn into 'pure mountain spring water'. Any stupid bollocks and he'd accept it without question, and yet he was adamant that I was being brainwashed by a massive conspiracy by people unknown to keep me under control for purposes unknown.

Being able to want to believe something, then believing it, is a gift that I don't have. Here is a list of things, some of which I'd like to believe, others not, that the lazy minded have promoted in order to massage their brain pleasure centre, and feel special and different and clever. The substance is determined by how well it fits their general world view (and I won't list all the 'Jew' ones because I find antisemitism to be as dull as it is grotesque).

  • There is a secret state (I love Dan Brown's books even if they are schockingly poor as literature)
  • The Americans are experimenting with alien DNA taken from a crashed UFO (I loved the X files).
  • There is a God (and he lets babies die for mysterious purposes. No, never really got that one).
  • The Devil also exists (And When He Falleth, by Theatre of Tragedy, is one of my favourite tracks).
  • Nine eleven was faked (this is the one and only racist trope I'll include in my list - to show how low the racists will go to salve their madness).
  • There is a secret underground military base under Shoreham harbour, with access from East Hill house and St Nick's church (a mate made up that one when we were five - I still hope it's true - but he also claimed his dad 'titted off' the queen, so I somehow doubt it).
  • There are effective treatments for Covid but they are being suppressed by enemies of Donald Trump (I have stumbled across this one from a mailing list of American medics - yes, medical doctors, many with appointments at top US university hospitals - one of whom added me to the list when I asked him about a 'research' paper I found with his name on it published in a 'predatory' journal where if you pay some money the paper is published without peer review; I assumed his Chinese former student had published the 'work' without his knowledge but it turned out he was an active co-author!)
  • Football's coming home.

I am not sure why anyone would think the moon landings were faked. That's on a par with believing the earth is flat and that Boris is a great prime minister. can only give thanks that Looney has been given a life ban from NSC.

Or has he? ???

Harry Wilson's tackle

Harry Wilson's Tackle
NSC Patron
Oct 8, 2003
Who really shot JFK? - Probably Lee Harvey Oswald, but possibly the deep state to silence him.

Did men really land on the moon? - Almost certainly.

Did Paul McCartney die and was then replaced by a lookalike Beatle? - I doubt it.

Did Leeds get cheated out of their rightful place in European football history ? - Probably not, but if they did... :shrug:

Was 9/11 faked and who by and to what end? - Probably done by Muslims, but if not it could’ve been a good way to crack down on people and also cover up a lot of money laundering.

Did Prince Charles/Philip/The Queen have Lady Di bumped orf? - Wouldn’t have thought so, but maybe she found out about certain things (see below) and needed to be silenced.

Are the Royal family lizards? No, but they might be part of an international Paedophile ring. I remember when saying that Prince Andrew was a bit shady was considered a conspiracy theory. And Jimmy Savile had the run of Buck House.

Is Covid a scam, to make the rich richer and the poor more subservient? - a simplified take on it but it could be. If it’s not then it’s having that effect anyway. The Book of Revelation talks about the end times being when one beast system (the AntiChrist system) is destroyed and replaced by another (the False Prophet system). If this is the case then expect to soon witness what appears to be a great economic reset, where currencies are replaced, debts wiped out, and money being sloshed around for all. But beware, because elsewhere in the Bible it says that Solomon is worth 666 gold pieces. And the mark of the Beast is also 666 - which suggests that this mark will be currency.

But on the other hand, maybe Covid is just a nasty virus that people are overreacting about and it’ll all be sorted out with a vaccine.

I am please that nobody has 'thumbsed' you up for that post. Some of it is reprehensible. Particularly that 9/11 was 'faked'. I won't ask you whether you think the burning buildngs and the deaths didn't happen, but presumably you don't understand what 'faked' actually means.

And then you quote the bible.

You are a very strange man and I think I'm going to have to put you on ignore (possibly again, this time for good).

Harry Wilson's tackle

Harry Wilson's Tackle
NSC Patron
Oct 8, 2003
Your use of a poll where people have picked out Israel as an answer, together with other stuff you've posted on this thread, also make me think you're an anti-semite. That's really not a good look on here considering who owns the club.

Indeed. In my experience nobody is all bad. With some people you never find out about their 'foibles' because they generally keep their head down and their mouth shut. With others, something eventually triggers them to show their hand. There are a few who have shown themselves up really badly on this thread. In partial reference to something I wrote on another thread, you only have to shag one sheep to become a sheep-shagger :shrug:


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 10, 2003
[*]There is a secret underground military base under Shoreham harbour, with access from East Hill house and St Nick's church (a mate made up that one when we were five - I still hope it's true - but he also claimed his dad 'titted off' the queen, so I somehow doubt it).

Do you not remember the vows at the Easthill yoof club initiation ceremony ?

I'm afraid you've done it now :bigwave:

Music City Gull

Not Changing This, Bozza
Jun 28, 2020
12 South
Indeed. It is part of a mindset. I worked with a bloke who paid £30 (almost a week's wages then) for a 'pyramid'. He slept under it and claimed it cured many illnesses. Also he claimed that if you put a glass of tap water under it and left it for a few hours, it would turn into 'pure mountain spring water'. Any stupid bollocks and he'd accept it without question, and yet he was adamant that I was being brainwashed by a massive conspiracy by people unknown to keep me under control for purposes unknown.

Being able to want to believe something, then believing it, is a gift that I don't have. Here is a list of things, some of which I'd like to believe, others not, that the lazy minded have promoted in order to massage their brain pleasure centre, and feel special and different and clever. The substance is determined by how well it fits their general world view (and I won't list all the 'Jew' ones because I find antisemitism to be as dull as it is grotesque).

  • There is a secret state (I love Dan Brown's books even if they are schockingly poor as literature)
  • The Americans are experimenting with alien DNA taken from a crashed UFO (I loved the X files).
  • There is a God (and he lets babies die for mysterious purposes. No, never really got that one).
  • The Devil also exists (And When He Falleth, by Theatre of Tragedy, is one of my favourite tracks).
  • Nine eleven was faked (this is the one and only racist trope I'll include in my list - to show how low the racists will go to salve their madness).
  • There is a secret underground military base under Shoreham harbour, with access from East Hill house and St Nick's church (a mate made up that one when we were five - I still hope it's true - but he also claimed his dad 'titted off' the queen, so I somehow doubt it).
  • There are effective treatments for Covid but they are being suppressed by enemies of Donald Trump (I have stumbled across this one from a mailing list of American medics - yes, medical doctors, many with appointments at top US university hospitals - one of whom added me to the list when I asked him about a 'research' paper I found with his name on it published in a 'predatory' journal where if you pay some money the paper is published without peer review; I assumed his Chinese former student had published the 'work' without his knowledge but it turned out he was an active co-author!)
  • Football's coming home.

I am not sure why anyone would think the moon landings were faked. That's on a par with believing the earth is flat and that Boris is a great prime minister. can only give thanks that Looney has been given a life ban from NSC.

Or has he? ???

One of my favorite segments from the show. He’s goofy but I miss Fry. 25% of Brits think it was faked.

Last edited:


May 13, 2019
M/S Estonia

Not sure how knowns MS Estonia is in the UK but quite a lot about it is interesting.

When MS Estonia sank to the bottom of the ocean in 1994, it was the deadliest shipwreck in European peace time history.

852 people - mainly Swedes and Estonians - lost their lives. The official version is that the front part of the boat fell off, for whatever reason. However, more than thousand family members of these dead people question this, and are battling of media, governments and HWT/GB type of authority lickers labelling these concerned families as crazy and deranged.

Truth-seekers from all over the world but mainly Estonia have tried to solve the mysteries surrounding Estonia since it happened. Using the Freedom of Information Act, some have even tried to see the NSA documents about it - getting the answer "These documents are classified, because their disclosure is likely to cause significant damage to national security".

Some of the question marks:
1. Plenty of people heard what they believe to be explosions or the ship hitting something

2. The Swedish government immediatly said they were going to bring the ship up, but changed their minds within days

3. A few years after the incident, it was revealed that Estonia was frequently used for military transport between Eastern Europe and Sweden

4. The undead Estonians. Several of the crew members, including captain Avo Piht, were initially reported to be alive. After a few days, their status were changed to "Dead at sea". Now this spurred a lot of controversy in Estonia that is lasting to this day. One of the reasons: Piht was filmed twice, first going to the hospital in an ambulance, and later exiting it at the hospital.

A former colleague of Piht, a ship doctor called Aivar Kaur, shaered his experience in Estonian media some 20 years ago.

At the day of the "accident", he and some other crew members were taking over the ferry Diana II.

"When we reached Diana, we recieved confirmation that Estonia had gone to the bottom. But who and how many that were rescued - no one knew at the time".

"While at Diana it became apparent that it would take some time to take over the work sections, and we were advised to take a walk to get to know the ship from the inside. We walked and ended up in a big passenger cafe, where a TV set was playing in the corner.

Some members of the former Swedish crew watched the TV and we asked them what would be shown. They said there would be a special news show showing the first shots of those rescued in Estonia. Of course we stopped and watched. And the shots started coming. The time was between nine and half ten German time. Probably 9.05-9.10".

"The shots ran and a shot comes in, from which you can see the ambulance driving, opening its door and people wrapped up in blankets leave. People are moving towards the open door of a building. And then - I am not sure if he was the second or the third but not the first or the last - came a man who stood still for a moment. He looked at the camera. As I saw it, he paid attention to that there was a TV camera recording him."

"This man was captain Piht. The guy got a movement unique to him. Not many people move with their headd slightly tilted to the side. This man looked like him and acted like him."

"The moment he came, made his movements, looked at the camera. The moment all four of us in front of the TV said the same thing - its our captain!".

"Everyone else who got out was hoarse and their heads covered. Only Piht had only a blanket on his shoulders, not over the head. Later I thought that he wanted to show himself and wanted to be seen. His goal was to capture the camera - look, this is me, Captain Piht".

"The cadre ran on, the rescued people went through the open door and the door closed. Everyone of us knew Piht, some had also worked with him. I was his ship doctor on Saint Patrick".

"An hour later, these shots were shown again, and at the end of the show it was announced that there will be a big overview show in the evening."

"In the evening, the shots we saw twice in the morning also started running during the program. Everything was the same until the moment of Piht staring into the camera, but this time he was overshadowed by the backs of two men. The footage was edited, and I have never seen them again".

"I've had to tell the same thing to the Finnish police, the Estonian security police and twice to the representatives of the Estonian side of the international investigation."

"Later, another shot appeared with an ambulance leaving M/S Mariella. A single man looks out the window. I've been watching this shot. Magnified and viewed in slow motion, a man with Avo Pihts face can be seen through the dim glass. The official explanation from the Swedish police is 'you are wrong about this being Piht", but they wont reveal who it is."

A couple of weeks ago, Discovery showed a documentary where some Swedish journalists visited the wreckage (which is illegal to do but they did it anyway) and found a large hole in the side of the ship. A lot of people now demand further investigations to if Estonia was perhaps bombed or accidently hit a submarine. The Swedish politicans that were active in 1994 are all saying that they dont wish to comment on Estonia.

lawros left foot

Glory hunting since 1969
NSC Patron
Jun 11, 2011


Active member
Feb 22, 2019
Rule of six and 9/11 families

We managed to keep D-day secret didnt we? Some on here seem to suggest those families of 9/11 vicitms and Fire, Rescue and police officers in New York still sufferning from long term health conditions, who are unhapply with the findings of the 9/11 Investigation carried out by NIST are in some way compribale to tin-hat wearing lizard believing flat earthists. No they just want justice and a new enquiry. They are comparibale to the victims of Hillsborough in this respect and are seeking justice.

Deportivo Seagull

I should coco
Jul 22, 2003
Mid Sussex
Are English refs deliberately trying to **** up VAR so it will be dropped.......? nah they’re just utterly incompetent.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Deportivo Seagull

I should coco
Jul 22, 2003
Mid Sussex
We managed to keep D-day secret didnt we? Some on here seem to suggest those families of 9/11 vicitms and Fire, Rescue and police officers in New York still sufferning from long term health conditions, who are unhapply with the findings of the 9/11 Investigation carried out by NIST are in some way compribale to tin-hat wearing lizard believing flat earthists. No they just want justice and a new enquiry. They are comparibale to the victims of Hillsborough in this respect and are seeking justice.

That is just utter crap ... embarrassingly crap.
Firstly there was no internet, satellite imagery, long range high altitude recognisance aircraft around at that time of D Day. Keeping it secret wasn’t actually the tactic as the a German High Command knew it was coming, just not where or when though the window of opportunity was very narrow. It was all about miscommunication and deception!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


Active member
Feb 22, 2019
No they aren't and that's insulting.

Why are you on here posting conspiracy theories during one of our games???

I was following the game with NSC! Do you not have any sympathy for the many victims of 9/11 who are seeking redress through the courts. Like the Liverpool families they are facing obfuscation from officialdom and even mockery. It’s an appalling situation for them.


tinky ****in winky
Jul 11, 2003
town full of eejits
the biggest conspiracy theory will either be proved or disproved within the next 3 to 4 years ...100 % and that is all the theories surrounding the corona virus outbreak , the Gates are a fecking worry quite frankly , a real couple of billionaire ,lunatic, geeks.


May 13, 2019
I was following the game with NSC! Do you not have any sympathy for the many victims of 9/11 who are seeking redress through the courts. Like the Liverpool families they are facing obfuscation from officialdom and even mockery. It’s an appalling situation for them.

I dont think its possible to discuss these things with GB. The concept that something is different from how it is told in the media and by governments etc, makes him furious, as you can see from the number of master supression techniques he is using. He is so convinced by his own perspective that only the sheer thought that a huge number of people believes in things not on his radar makes him mad. No point in trying.


Active member
Feb 22, 2019
I dont think its possible to discuss these things with GB. The concept that something is different from how it is told in the media and by governments etc, makes him furious, as you can see from the number of master supression techniques he is using. He is so convinced by his own perspective that only the sheer thought that a huge number of people believes in things not on his radar makes him mad. No point in trying.

One can but try. After all this a conspiracy thread. Good job I didn’t mention David Kelly, Douma, or the Skripals whoops, just did.

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