Shit town. Shit club. Shit fans.
What talent.You're a frustrated author.Right?
Shit town. Shit club. Shit fans.
What humour. You're a frustrated comedian. Right?What talent.You're a frustrated author.Right?
I think you're looking at it through blue and white tinted spectacles.
Being dispassionate about it all, they did pose a threat - increasingly so as the second half wore on.
Baldock's industry up front was something we missed in the second half.
What humour. You're a frustrated comedian. Right?
See.When you try you can write without saying shit.
Well done and keep it up.
Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome the new Poet Laureate.
I forgot to mention -
The children's Laureate.
Standing up for your buddy.I love that.Keep it up.
Cheer yourself up-they've got to go back to living in Burnley.Crap football, crap fans. Every single Burnley fan I spoke to after the game was convinced they should have won and not one of them saw Barton as anything but a hero.
Don't swear please. Maldini gets most upset by itSh*t - sorry Maldini - I got the thread the wrong way round -
Don't swear please. Maldini gets most upset by it