I have one blue eye and one brown and blue, Madeleine McCann style........actually, that doesn't make it an unique fact, bollox.
I have driven many times in the 12 hour lawn mower race and never finished higher than 4th. (now my backs f#$ked)
I hold the record for watching the most games Brighton won before seeing us draw or lose.
How did it turn out?Yes, me too. Unlike my brother [MENTION=159]Stumpy Tim[/MENTION]. I once added "him" to a family conversation by guessing his hotmail address. This conversation went on for days before the owner of said hotmail address said "I'm surely you're all lovely people but I've never met any of you"
Oh, and I drank a bottle of whisky (well, minus 2 or 3 measures) when I was four years old. I was in a coma for 3 days after having my stomach pumped. Nurses told my parents I had a 50/50 chance of survival and if I did, would probably be brain damaged.
(come on, who's going to tap that one in?)*
It was enough that I genuinely think it probably is the record (just a hunch from working out the odds), but I don't want to say because some bastards will just say they saw a couple more and spoil my dreamsHow many was that?