Doctor Worm
I do like a Queen Captain Mainwaring,
Oh for Gods sake you child. Just wanting to know what he mean't.
What a strange place to put an apostrophe.
Very. My iPad
He MEAN'T me.
I know now but my iPad display said it as from me for a bit. Think ill log off now before I get phantom pro-Palace posts. Or even worse, posts with poor grammar.
God sake you lot. Can't you see it's obvious? His mates have got his phone and are on NSC fraping him.
Buzzer, that's a really nice thing to say and think.
However, no one has popped my phone back from the game because I didn't go.
Been drinking?!
I don't fancy turning queer to see what the other side of the street holds but I'll go up to the MIGHTY PALACE with WINGERS and have a gander.