There's a fecking volcano spewing out more muck than the world's population could produce in a lifetime and still people are going on about CO2 emissions.
What the hell difference does it make?
volcanic eruptions actually cool the atmosphere due to aerosols released which reflect solar radiation back out to space. when Mt. Pinatubo erupted in 1991 global mean temperatures dropped by about 1 degree over the next 2 years. we put up so much more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere than volcanoes and without major eruptions like pinatubo the climate situation would likely be a lot worse. so you should give a crap about our emmissions!
this is a prime example of people ill educated on a subject talking ill informed bollocks on it.
what is the muck? what is its effect? do you even know?
I am just about to drive to Arundel in my 4x4 gas guzzler, should I be ashamed by my actions. ta ta.