Eubank has a fighters heart but he's not a skilled fighter and has stamina issues like his old man. He not a big puncher despite what the commentator keeps saying. Sugar Ray Leonard would've beaten BJS.
Some people have no clue about boxing. Billy Joe had pedigree whereas Chris Eubank Jr has a well known dad. Eubank came unstuck when he boxed someone with class.
Eubank Jr was already 5 rounds behind before he started fighting. He'd do well to ditch his old man in his corner as well. When Ronnie Davies started talking instead of Eubank Snr, Eubank Jr finally realised he was in a fight and actually started producing. He didn't have the ring smarts of BJS and it showed badly.
I will back Eubanks local and all. But he was a world appart tonight, Saunders was a class above and fair play.
Eubanks needs to get rid of Davis and his dad if he wants to progress. His corner let him down and he looked out of ideas. Not his dad and will never be, needs to be his own man.