Vagina now = 'Front Hole' at RSCH apparently.. See Argus online...

I hope this is a joke thread.
Women have BREASTS ffs !!! and it is Breast feeding....................worlds gone nuts with the PC brigade jumping down everyones throats the moment something that is said that might offend others.....sorry pathetic !!Man up ffs....there said it !
Chest feeding?
Is the word 'breast' now sexist and not allowed?
My 2 daughters were BREAST fed, youngest had to be supplemented with a bottle as she was hungry more than my Mrs BREASTS produced.
There we go. Said it 3x.
Midwives have been told to say “chestfeeding” instead of “breastfeeding” and to replace the term “mother” with “mother or birthing parent” as part of moves to be more trans-friendly and inclusive.
Most (not all) seem to have missed what this is about, see:
I've seen they are being told to call breast milk 'human milk' from now on![]()
My wife had the most incredible exchange about breast feeding with the midwife in hospital after we had twins in 2010. My wife was put under pressure to breast feed and politely said she couldn’t. The midwifes got really heavy handed about breast being best and said things like “just because you have twins it does not mean you can’t so you must at least try.” My wife was very polite and said she couldn’t for medical reasons but the particularly aggressive midwife was not having it and told her to stop making excuses. My wife assured her that she couldn’t but the pressure kept coming. I suggested that the midwife read my wife’s notes but she was still pushing it it and said we were just making excuses and she couldn’t see anything in the notes about it. She had missed a massive detail on the front page.
Eventually my wife had enough and said “as soon as I am out of hospital with these babies I am travelling for two hours to a specialist cancer unit to undergo radiotherapy treatment for my eye cancer diagnosed a few months ago” - her notes made it clear that she had cancer and had made a decision to let pregnancy go to full term rather than risk inducing and the potential risks to babies.
At this point the midwife realised she had been pushing far too hard and not read the notes properly and went completely the other way and started treating my wife like she was about to die (which is why she did not shout about it in the first place). I believe they have (or did at the time) have targets for breast feeding.
The story has a happy ending. The radiotherapy went well and she now just has tests every 6 months to make sure it is not coming back.
The amount of people in the general public who judge about choices re breastfeeding was amazing.
No, this is the article and the exact words are in it.
sympathies. there's a lot of anxiety and shaming around "breast is best" mantra.
Chest feeding?
Is the word 'breast' now sexist and not allowed?
My 2 daughters were BREAST fed, youngest had to be supplemented with a bottle as she was hungry more than my Mrs BREASTS produced.
There we go. Said it 3x.
I hope this is a joke thread.
Women have BREASTS ffs !!! and it is Breast feeding....................worlds gone nuts with the PC brigade jumping down everyones throats the moment something that is said that might offend others.....sorry pathetic !!Man up ffs....there said it !
Midwives have been told to say “chestfeeding” instead of “breastfeeding” and to replace the term “mother” with “mother or birthing parent” as part of moves to be more trans-friendly and inclusive.
Most (not all) seem to have missed what this is about, see:
I've seen they are being told to call breast milk 'human milk' from now on![]()
This is simply not true. From the press release:
"The trust recognises the vast majority of midwifery service users are women and already has language in place women are comfortable with. This is not changing. For example, we will continue to call them pregnant women and talk about breastfeeding."
The full statement is here:
I have tried to cut moldy brain some slack lately, I really have. But he's simply a ****ing idiot. And two recent bans, one for inviting folk on NSC to give me a slap and the other for something I don't care to mention again.![]()