Not awoke
Oh man, that looks the bees knees chap. LOVING the wheelage there, nice touch. I doff my cap to anyone who invests in a proper coal BBQ and resists the EVIL of gas.
Its so much more fun, and the results are better. Except that time after an FA Cup Final when I invited 30 people round for a post-match BBQ, and off my tits, wheeled it out of the shed, only for the legs to crash through the bowl with rust. Leading to a rapid trip to Sainsbury's Home Base with a mate to buy a new one, a drunken 2 hours putting the b@stard together (not easy whence drunk), and eventually a relatively deserted garden once I lit up and cracked on, absolutley twatted.
Character building.
Yes but think how much drink you could buy instead with £1200