From my five minute wikipedia-ing this looks to be some sort of hernia on the diaphram which means the lungs don't work properly or aren't in the proper place. Looks very nasty.
I think the insides on the outside is Gastro-something...
sorry - just read that back - its obvious I'm not a doctor!
When doing your research for this matter you must use the full name Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia.
Reason being my daughter was born with Congenital Dislocated Hip with is also referred to as CDH.
This is a far more common than Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia and thankfully not dangerous to the child but will affect any facts and figures that you may be researching.
“Not intended as a know all or snotty just to make you aware when using abbreviations for your research as it may well affect your figures.”