Goldstone Rapper
Rediffusion PlayerofYear
Great! Looks like we're all agreed that she could set up an automated email response. So Bold Seagull, will you go into her office and take that on? 
Perhaps "discrace" is a little over the top however I bet Dave Lepper would have responded by now.
You've missed the point I already tried to get in touch! And and if she asks me to justify why I called her a discrace I will apologise only if she can justify why she hasnt responded!So when you get in touch with her, will you apologise to her for calling her that?
All good points, however the entire estate was naturaly left to my mother, and probate wasnt required.A few observations/suggestions from my experiences when acting as administrator of my late father's estate a few years back.
1) Your mother isn't liable for for any outstanding tax, it is a matter for his estate and, therefore, the executors of his will.
2) This type of correspondence should not be going to your mother; the executors of your father's will, or administrators if he died intestate, should have arranged for any outstanding correspondence on his estate to go directly to them and obtained written confirmation from HMRC that this has been actioned.
3) Unless you have previously had confirmation from HMRC that his tax affairs are in order and finalised then I cannot see how probate can have been granted, if indeed it has?
Frankly, I would give this one to the executors, it's their job and they should have sorted all this out by now.
You've missed the point I already tried to get in touch! And and if she asks me to justify why I called her a discrace I will apologise only if she can justify why she hasnt responded!
I emailed 300+ MPs during the Falmer campaign. Only a handful ever got back to me.
I wrote to Sir Menzies Campbell and he never got back to me.
I wrote to Tony Blair and an aide got back to me within about two weeks.
Tony Blair has aides?
All good points, however the entire estate was naturaly left to my mother, and probate wasnt required.
On the 15 March this year my father unexpectedly passed away, naturaly a period of greiving for my mum, me and brother followed with amongst many things his personal affairs such as insurance, pensions, the list is endless as many will testify, my father was retired and recieved a generous pension from his ex employers which naturaly was taxed, we believe that he anualy retuned his tax return on time. Within a week of his passing we informed HMRC of his death and sent a death cert. on their advice, the advisor on the phone suggested that then on receipt the pervebial account was closed!
July of this year my mother (77) starts receiving tax demands, the first few still in my late fathers name!! now with the courtsey of (deceased) c/o, for sums ranging from £800-£1100 still owed, my mum wanted to just send them the money and be done but we said no and my partner got written permision to act on my mums behalf and started acting.
After a decent conversation with an agent who clearly showed empathy it was agreed quite rightly thatmy mother doesnt owe a bean to HMRC, so we thought that was that, but nope after a gap of two months my mum has recieved yet another demand!
On the 3 December we wrote via email to Caroline Lucas (my mothers MP) asking for her help and advice, after 10 days of nothing, not even an automated response or perhaps contact from an assistant we wrote again on the 10 December and as of yet still no response,I'm f***ing livid with her, she has been elected to serve the people of Brighton Pavilion and she hasnt even got the decency to respond, apart from my anger with HMRC I genuinly thought this women would at least repond and perhaps offer an opinion!!
Of course I will.I know you've tried to get in touch. That is the whole point of the thread, or at least a big part of it. What I am asking is that when you eventually get a response from her, will you own up to her that you've called her a "discrace" on a public forum and that this was over the top?