Its not a holiday destination of my choice, far from it, but, although I have never been there its fun enough for a stag.
To be fair the 12 birth villa just outside Benidorm is superb with a huge private pool and BBQ area.
Just because its horrible, it will still have an old town and proper Spanish restaurants so I can get at least one authentic Paella.
And I want to go to the bars and see what its all about as well, maybe chat up some old boilers, bars with tits oot etc etc, why not.
Problem is I am an ale drinker,I really do not like lager or John Smiths type bitter, yes I can drink cider, Guiness, Gin & Tonic, and wine, but not in large amounts and if I mix it, it will crucify me, but ale I can drink all night and be fine, hence the thread.
Thanks for all the replies, quite looking forward to a few days fun in the sun.
My reply was pure tongue in cheek, not meant as negative criticism, I am sure you will have a fantastic time in fact wished I was coming with you