GNF on Tour
Registered Twunt
My kid is in year 1 at Infant's school. He has football club after school every Wednesday. It's run by AITC not the teachers, so you have to pay, but I'd much rather he was taught by a qualified coach than a young lady infant school teacher. What the teachers did help out with recently was the massive schools dance event at the Dome. Thanks to one of the teachers and the office manager he got to perform in front of a full Dome in excellent costumes that the teachers had made themselves. They also did the choreography. On the day they took 30 kids for a dress rehearsal in the morning then out for pizza for lunch. We then dropped them back to the teachers at 5.30. They helped them with the performance and with co-ordinating our tickets and were with the kids till we were reunited after the performance at 9.30pm.
At 6 he can read nearly a year ahead of target, can write brilliantly (in cursive script) and add up. All this in a tiny community Infants in the middle of a council estate and ALL due to the teachers at that school.
His teachers are an inspiration (and since they're all women there isn't a beard or cord jacket between them). You on the other hand are a small minded disgrace, a trolling Little Englander with the thought processes of a lobotomized super model.
Post of the Decade.