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Cameron comes of age

meaninglless amounts of money in the scheme of things yet also the problem. 10 million here 20million there, on silly bureaucratic bodies that spend substantial amounts of the funding on offices and staff.

you shouldnt mention it, they have forced PRIVATE companies to fund before stumping up any public money. it not been funded by "Labour". its being funded by us the tax payer and private companies. its its 20 bloody years in the planning due to dithering of the politians.

Ok I should have said the Labour Government via the taxpayers.

The Large One

Who's Next?
Jul 7, 2003
Bang On BOF, the new Labour government were handed the best economy in place of any receiving government , Brown got lucky with the handing over of interest rates to the Bank which was a good call and took politics out of interest rates and also the best Worldwide economic conditions for a generation, he was a lucky chancellor

Brown got lucky? For 10 years?

Bloody hell, is this what goes through mind of the Political Editor of Viz?

Barrel of Fun

Abort, retry, fail
I accept that 'everyone else' was unjust. Sorry BoF.

No need to apologise. I wanted to distance myself, in type, from such a despicable rag.

Incidentally, having just checked their polls online...

Welsh/Scottish Nationalists 3%
Other 12%
Labour 22%
Tories 60%
LibDems 3%


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2003
Brown was a lucky Chancellor.

Having inherited a strong economy and then burying the bad news of his pension fund tax raid under the excitement of toppling the Tories he was then fortunate to ride the internet boom and the rise in computer upgrading pre-Millennium bug.

However, I think that his commitment to investing in training and education HAS paid dividends. His tax take continues to grow year on year, but the yardstick of any civilized society is how well they look after their people, and our NHS is no further forward than it was 10 years ago.

meaninglless amounts of money in the scheme of things yet also the problem. 10 million here 20million there, on silly bureaucratic bodies that spend substantial amounts of the funding on offices and staff.

you shouldnt mention it, they have forced PRIVATE companies to fund before stumping up any public money. it not been funded by "Labour". its being funded by us the tax payer and private companies. its its 20 bloody years in the planning due to dithering of the politians.

Cross rail. Funded by business community who will benefit greatly from the project, paid for by the tax payer, how else can the state provide for our welfare.

Needed in London 20 years ago, first proposed just after 1945, but only this Government with the Mayor of LOndon, has committed to it.

I just don't get the other comment, public money is being used to help create great businesses, competitive businesses. Why is that a waste.

To me this is what good Government should do and all these schemes I refer to have the backing of businesses.

Again that word, bureaucracy used in a negative. I work with hard committed staff, I have secured more money for Britain, I have secured more jobs, I have helped to create more jobs, I have helped more umemployed people to get the training they need, more in total than I would say most people on here put together and I run my own businesses.

I base my points on facts not just unsubstantial rhetoric. That's why BOF is quite good on here, at least he hits us with supporting stats.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
I am not quite sure that people who contest the fact the Conservatives can do a better job than Brown can be dismissed simply as 'Daily Mail readers'. A rather convenient phrase for those who dare to have a different opinion from the staunch Labour supporters.

I don't think a single poster on here, who is backing labour, has even addressed the failures of the last ten years, other than 'don't mention the war'.

BUt what failures? There's a lot that Labour could and should have done but one thing that they have got spot on is the economy. To say that the economy's is in good shape now because of what Ken Clarke did ten and a half years ago is, quite frankly, laughable. Macroeconomic changes take effect within months (or weeks sometimes) not decades.

And don't forget that while Clarke did stabilise the economy he had to put right the appalling mess that Lawson and Lamont had created (although no doubt you would say that's the fault of the Callaghan government of 13 years earlier).

What people do recognise that the world has gone through a global recession and the UK has largely escaped unscathed: unemployment is still low, house prices are still rising (as it happens, I don't think that's necessarily a good thing but a lot of people do) and people have money in their pocket - a lot of that is down to Brown's skillful handling of the economy.

So, apart from the war in Iraq (which was supported by Cameron and the Tories) what are these 'failures'?

To put the record straight, the Labour party have done nothing for me in 10 years, nothing whatsoever, but demoralise, de motivate , patronise and tax. There is no ambition in this country under Labour, its all the lowest common denominator, they are good for the Poor ( and yes sometimes people who are poor need to look to their own actions as to why the are in the predicament they are and not just rely on that state ) and the Super Rich. The hard working middle band are easy targets and taxed till they bleed. Success is a dirty word in this country and an even dirtier word on NSC. Sometimes people are successful or strive to be successful coz they work their bollocks off over years and years doing 60 plus hours a week and passing exams with an aspiration to better themselves and this Governement puts hurdle after hurdle after hurdle in the way. It may be selfish but its time to think about whats best for me for a change.

Unc I see from your profile that you are an independent mortgage broker.
Would the house price rises on their own in the last ten years not endear you to Labour, after all it is during their current reign that house prices have rocketed!
Surely you must have made a fortune out of them?


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2003
I think the NHS has been a failure. MRSA is still rampant, lots of local hospitals face closure, budgets are not being met and consultants are being paid millions to sort out the mess left by managers and insufficient funding.


The Tank Rules!
Aug 28, 2004
So, apart from the war in Iraq (which was supported by Cameron and the Tories) what are these 'failures'?

terrorism,crime,illegal immigration,striking workers,eduction,pensions,human rights act.
to name but a few. not to mention the lies over the EU resolution


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
I think the NHS has been a failure. MRSA is still rampant, lots of local hospitals face closure, budgets are not being met and consultants are being paid millions to sort out the mess left by managers and insufficient funding.

Indeed (although I question whether MRSA is 'rampant')., the NHS could be in a btter state.
However, was it a) better under the Tories? Clearly not and b) would it be any better under a Cameron government? I suspect not.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
terrorism - There were considerably terrorist acts in the UK through the 80s.

crime - crime rate falling

illegal immigration - happened under the Tories too. I'd scarcely say that was a particular failure

striking workers :D:D:D:

eduction :D:D:D

pensions Have risen above ROI

human rights act We'll disgree on that. I think that's one of the successes

The Large One

Who's Next?
Jul 7, 2003
So, apart from the war in Iraq (which was supported by Cameron and the Tories) what are these 'failures'?

terrorism,crime,illegal immigration,striking workers,eduction,pensions,human rights act.
to name but a few. not to mention the lies over the EU resolution

Terrorism? Sorry, you're going to have to help me here. Terrorism has been a Labour failing has it?
Crime. Figures are down. Unless you read the Daily Mail by which we are all going to get mugged and raped on our doorsteps.
Illegal Immigration: Many countries across the EU now adopting the British model of Immigration control.
Striking workers: I assume you've always voted against PFA strikes then?
Education: Well, my partner has seen a rapid and marked improvement in government help in pre-school and junior school. Unless of course, you feel like criticising the hard work that so many people put into education, much of it with government assistance.
The EU Constitution has already been abandoned. Why would the UK need to have a referendum on it?
Last edited:


Super Moderator
Helpful Moderator
Jul 5, 2003
West Sussex
terrorism,crime,illegal immigration,striking workers,eduction,pensions,human rights act.
to name but a few. not to mention the lies over the EU resolution

massive levels of personal debt, depletion of our armed forces, the relentless increase in casual labour and short-term contract jobs (undermining any sense of stabillity for families and communities), huge increases in the cost of basic utilities, the whole 'new deal' fiasco, council tax bills rising way ahead of inflation, the shambles in the pensions industry brought about by Gordon Brown raiding billions of pounds from our savings, failure to address the issue of Scottish votes in English issues, further erosion of any trust in our politicians through constant spin, lies and personal attacks...


The Tank Rules!
Aug 28, 2004
crime falling? wake up this place is worse than america was in the eighties. oh, yeah i forgot, you might get an asbo if you misbehave. whoop-ee-do. gun crime is rife

pensions are in chaos. brown has made promises to all government employees that they will be alright, even though there's not a penny set aside for them. sod the rest of us, we'll have to plod on into our seventies.

education- andrew adonis (LABOUR schools minister) says over 800 comprehensives are failing badly

human rights act SUCCESFUL? oh my days. try telling that to some of the relatives of people who may see their kins murderers go free because it may be against their human rights to not have a tariff set for their release


A. Virgo, Football Genius
Jul 21, 2003
Cross rail. Funded by business community who will benefit greatly from the project, paid for by the tax payer, how else can the state provide for our welfare.

Needed in London 20 years ago, first proposed just after 1945, but only this Government with the Mayor of LOndon, has committed to it.

come on, you are not really that naive? the Labour govenment has suddenly come round to the project after 10 years, on the possible eve of an election (and a year before london election) now that tories have made it one of their solid commitments. of course the city should assist in the costs, but i the idea its a great triumph of Labour policy is laughably inaccurate. I get the impression the Corporation of London was told pay x now of it doesnt happen for another decade.

I just don't get the other comment, public money is being used to help create great businesses, competitive businesses. Why is that a waste.

To me this is what good Government should do and all these schemes I refer to have the backing of businesses. .

business doesnt need an agency to tell it how to be "lean": if it costs too much money it will go out of business. My dealings with agencies has been a great pain in the arse and nearly stopped me from bothering. i know someone who gets paid a pretty penny in a govenement agency that basically goes to meeting about what will be in next weeks meetings. then the money they have is not spent and rolled into the next initiative, announced to great fanfare by the minister, when really its the same old funding. Cynical? yep. but true, thats the way it is these days.

So, apart from the war in Iraq (which was supported by Cameron and the Tories) what are these 'failures'?

terrorism,crime,illegal immigration,striking workers,eduction,pensions,human rights act.
to name but a few. not to mention the lies over the EU resolution

Your eduction certainly needs improving, I assume that is Brown's fault as well!!

hans kraay fan club

The voice of reason.
Helpful Moderator
Mar 16, 2005
Chandlers Ford
pensions are in chaos. brown has made promises to all government employees that they will be alright, even though there's not a penny set aside for them. sod the rest of us, we'll have to plod on into our seventies.

Jesus. What a thought! Even young Tommy will be past 50 and be struggling to do all the running about!


A. Virgo, Football Genius
Jul 21, 2003
pensions are in chaos.

too true. Brown robbed the pension funds blind, and therefore us the pension holder, when he stole the tax rebate on dividends. what was it, 5Billion a year at the time? probably worth double that now. all other policies aside, this will be the one that has the longest lasting effect and its not good.

Uncle Spielberg

Well-known member
Jul 6, 2003
Unc I see from your profile that you are an independent mortgage broker.
Would the house price rises on their own in the last ten years not endear you to Labour, after all it is during their current reign that house prices have rocketed!
Surely you must have made a fortune out of them?

Yes to an extent, but it also means the decent house I dreamed of living in is become a more and more remote possibility as the prices have moved far far out of reach, also this house price increase has meant that thousands of thusands of hard working families, not flash just run of the mill families have to give 40% of their hard earned inheritance in tax and Brown has plundered billions in Stamp Duty whereby a standard £ 300000 family home now attracts £ 9000 tax, so its stamp duty, inheritance tax and this don't forget is double tax on investment that has already been taxed at source

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