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Cameron comes of age

Uncle Spielberg

Well-known member
Jul 6, 2003
in the 1992 election, Labour were leading the tories by margins of 10% and exit polls were predicting a labour landslide. Opinion polls mean nothing!

yes but they did have a balding ginger Welshman in charge

Uncle Spielberg

Well-known member
Jul 6, 2003
regardless of who introduced the minimum wage £ 5.40 ph is not an achievement to be proud of at all.

The minimum wage is such a joke, jobs available at the minimum wage are being ignored by UK residents but snapped up by East European workers as for them its a lot, the end result is a perpetual cycle of low wages and a further influx of East Europeans taking these job the UK worker shun
That is bollox, Gareth.

I work for a Brighton-based organisation that used to pay part of its part-time (mostly female) workforce no more than the national minimum wage, for work that requires some considerable degree of skill. Thankfully that no longer applies and pay in our organisation has risen in the last two years to a level that nearly matches local government rates of pay (still low, but above the national minimum rate). We don't have any East Europeans working for us.

There are lots of Brighton based employers who pay minimum wages to staff. Many of them are long-term Brighton residents, with families to support. If the Tories get their way and abolish the national minimum, you can be assured that a good proportion of those firms will either cut pay or fail to increase it.

What are the fundamental remit and principles of the Conservative party?

Name me a single socialist government who have delivered a strong economy over time.
National econonomies are built by entrepreneurs and visionaries. These people are anathema to those of a socialist disposition.

Yes. And I'm very dissapointed. The problem is that the Conservatives are running scared of the argument which Labour invariably trots out, (See what I did there?), about cuts to public services.
Pretty much any educated person knows there is waste in every area of public spending which can be eradicated.
Nobody likes cuts to skools n 'ospitals though, which is how Labour will pitch it to the great uneducated swathe of labour voters.

You clearly don't work in a public company.
Maybe you don't work!
Maybe you just don't look, or aren't awake enough to be aware.

1. Do your own homework on the Conservatives,I have, I dismiss them.
2. Look at Sweden, a country that has since 1945 been led by a strong democratic socialist party. For 9 million people, its economy is one of best in the world, it has always one of the highest GDP in the world, it is generallyregarded to have the best welfare system in the world, it has a long list of the best companies in the world, it has one of the highest proportion of IT investment in the world. And it has the best looking women in the world.

Look at Britain, a nation still reeling from the collaspe of our economy in the 80's, still possessing one of the largest % of Long term unemployed, we have a nation of chavs and ugly, fat, over weight women. Not such a proud record.

3. I like this statement evryone knows about waste in public services, its the same bollocks trotted out. I actually regular switch between public ans private companies, large and small, I presently providing advice to a 1000 Companies.

There is no more waste - or greater efficiency in the private or public sector.

Our place is presently packed with top consultants,they don't change their attitude because they now work for the state!!!

Must go now.

still living on things done 60 years ago you imbecile

How can you say the Labout Party is the worse party since the war when they gave us the Health Service you even bigger imbecile?
You really haven't got a clue have you?

what about the vote for Women in the 19th century was that Labour ?

In your original quote about Labour being the worst party since the war I assume you are talking about the Second World War?
In which case that took place in the 20th Century not the 19th, so why on earth are you bringing up a factually incorrect statement about the vote for women which took place in the 20th Century also?

Representation of the People Act 1918 gave women the right to vote at 30. It was brought in under a coalition government under the Liberal Lloyd George

Representation of the People Act 1928 widened suffrage by giving women electoral equality with men - women were now able to vote from the age of 21. It was brought in under the Conservative government of Stanley Baldwin.

Both in the 20th Century and both before the last war!

the minimum wage is a fecking joke and no achievment whatsoever it still explotation of people at £ 5.40 per hour or whatever it is. Try living down here on
£ 5.40 per hour especially on your own 40 hours a week at £ 5.40 = £ 216 pw = £ 11232 pa gee wizz

It would not have been brought in by the Tories, so people would have been on even worse money.

Uncle Spielberg

Well-known member
Jul 6, 2003
That is bollox, Gareth.

I work for a Brighton-based organisation that used to pay part of its part-time (mostly female) workforce no more than the national minimum wage, for work that requires some considerable degree of skill. Thankfully that no longer applies and pay in our organisation has risen in the last two years to a level that nearly matches local government rates of pay (still low, but above the national minimum rate). We don't have any East Europeans working for us.

There are lots of Brighton based employers who pay minimum wages to staff. Many of them are long-term Brighton residents, with families to support. If the Tories get their way and abolish the national minimum, you can be assured that a good proportion of those firms will either cut pay or fail to increase it.

Ed, I think you'll find other parts of the UK are mini Warsaw's

Uncle Spielberg

Well-known member
Jul 6, 2003
How can you say the Labout Party is the worse party since the war when they gave us the Health Service you even bigger imbecile?
You really haven't got a clue have you?

I am not bothered what you think quite frankly


something clever
Jul 28, 2003
Not Luton! Thank God
That is bollox, Gareth.

I work for a Brighton-based organisation that used to pay part of its part-time (mostly female) workforce no more than the national minimum wage, for work that requires some considerable degree of skill. Thankfully that no longer applies and pay in our organisation has risen in the last two years to a level that nearly matches local government rates of pay (still low, but above the national minimum rate). We don't have any East Europeans working for us.

There are lots of Brighton based employers who pay minimum wages to staff. Many of them are long-term Brighton residents, with families to support. If the Tories get their way and abolish the national minimum, you can be assured that a good proportion of those firms will either cut pay or fail to increase it.

Have the conservatives said that they will get rid of the NMW? I know they opposed it at its inception but thought they dropped their objections because it was set at such a low level??

Normal Rob

Well-known member
Jul 8, 2003
oh f*** it - look it all comes down to this. The last time the Tories ran the country they f***ed it - big time. f***ed it f***ed it f***ed it! I will not vote for them at the next election and probabaly not the one after that either. No matter what c***t they have in charge.

Lady Bracknell

Handbag at Dawn
Jul 5, 2003
The Metropolis
what about the vote for Women in the 19th century was that Labour ?

First and foremost, it was WOMEN that got themselves the vote! An achievement helped by the First World War when many women took jobs formerly held by the men now away fighting. The contribution that women made to society and the war effort was eventually recognised by the Government although only partial enfranchisement was awarded in 1918.

As for the the Pankhursts, Emmeline was a member of the Independent Labour party (thus certainly not a rabid Tory!) and her daughter Sylvia was a communist.

Uncle Spielberg

Well-known member
Jul 6, 2003
To put the record straight, the Labour party have done nothing for me in 10 years, nothing whatsoever, but demoralise, de motivate , patronise and tax. There is no ambition in this country under Labour, its all the lowest common denominator, they are good for the Poor ( and yes sometimes people who are poor need to look to their own actions as to why the are in the predicament they are and not just rely on that state ) and the Super Rich. The hard working middle band are easy targets and taxed till they bleed. Success is a dirty word in this country and an even dirtier word on NSC. Sometimes people are successful or strive to be successful coz they work their bollocks off over years and years doing 60 plus hours a week and passing exams with an aspiration to better themselves and this Governement puts hurdle after hurdle after hurdle in the way. It may be selfish but its time to think about whats best for me for a change.

I support the Tories. I support a minimum wage.

Which policy specifically is opposed to the minimum wage? Can't find anything on their policy statements.

Can't recall seeing any votes on increasing minimum wage in a google search of Hansard either let alone Tories voting against it.

hmmmm........don't think the Tories have changed or don't want them to?

Here is your proof that Toreis have voted against the National Minimum Wage:

Party Summary
Votes by party, red entries are votes against the majority for that party.

What is Tell? '+1 tell' means that in addition one member of that party was a teller for that division lobby.

What are Boths? An MP can vote both aye and no in the same division. The boths page explains this.

What is Turnout? This is measured against the total membership of the party at the time of the vote.
Party Ayes Noes Both Turnout
Con 0 145 (+2 tell) 0 90.7%
Lab 352 (+2 tell) 0 0 84.9%
LDem 26 0 0 56.5%
PC 2 0 0 50.0%
SNP 5 0 0 83.3%
UKU 1 0 0 100.0%
UU 1 0 0 10.0%
Total: 387 145 0 83.0%

To see this better look at this link and scroll down:

To put the record straight, the Labour party have done nothing for me in 10 years, nothing whatsoever, but demoralise, de motivate , patronise and tax.

They backed George Dubya's invasion of Iraq and even joined in. If I remember rightly you supported that with more than average enthusiasm.

Uncle Spielberg

Well-known member
Jul 6, 2003
Ed, you have me there, I was originally very supportive of that action and still believe invading Afghanistan was and is the correct thing to do but I have been found to be wrong about Iraq and fair play to you for seeing this at the outset.

regardless of who introduced the minimum wage £ 5.40 ph is not an achievement to be proud of at all.

You bring up the minimum wage and when you are shot down in flames because you suddenly realsie it was Labour that brought it in, you say regardless who brought it in.
It wouldn't have been brought if the Tories had been in charge, not one of them voted for it in 1997.

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