Big anniversary tomorrow. Paul Barbers first year tenure, very smooth................ Not. :nono:
skipper734 Registered ruffian Aug 9, 2008 9,189 Curdridge Jun 17, 2013 #1 Big anniversary tomorrow. Paul Barbers first year tenure, very smooth................ Not.
Man of Harveys Well-known member Jul 9, 2003 19,130 Brighton, UK Jun 17, 2013 #3 Oh to be a fly on the wall at his annual performance review... Hang on: doesn't this mean it's the end of his probation period - you know, the time where people who make a complete mess of a new job can be let go? *prays*
Oh to be a fly on the wall at his annual performance review... Hang on: doesn't this mean it's the end of his probation period - you know, the time where people who make a complete mess of a new job can be let go? *prays*
Brightonia New member Dec 7, 2012 1,301 Sussex by the sea Jun 17, 2013 #4 His reaction when you said "cake" apparently it goes against FFP, so all cake is now banned at the Amex!
His reaction when you said "cake" apparently it goes against FFP, so all cake is now banned at the Amex!