1997 Club
Well done Caroline. Lovely person, great constituency MP, more guts and principles than most of the other slimeballs in Parliament put together. End of 
According to the latest Private Eye ... the landowner is Simon Greenwood, who inherited the Balcombe estate from his mother, who was gifted it by the Cowdray estate, as a dowry. Simon Greenwood is a Balcombe Parish Councillor, and was a party to the decision of the Parish Council not to object to the planning application by Cuadrilla for permission to drill - although there is no record of a declaration of interest by Mr Greenwood at the time, nor is there a formal record in the minutes of the Council of the matter even being discussed. The only public record of the Parish Council's decision not to object is a letter from the Council to WSCC Planning Officers saying that "the matter was discussed at the last regular meeting" and there was "no objection".All these protesters going after a drilling company doing what drilling companies do, (and did back in 1986 at the same site, with no problems) seem to be missing the point.
Obviously one of the local landowners has been paid to grant drilling, so why not have a chat with them!
Well done Caroline. Lovely person, great constituency MP, more guts and principles than most of the other slimeballs in Parliament put together. End of![]()
I expected nothing less of her. It was a no-brainer her getting involved. It would seem some people on here prefer snivellling right-wingers who suck up to big business, who are looking to make a killing at the expense of the environment. One planet, unfettered economic growth with finite resources. It's not sustainable. Leave something for our grandchildren FFS!
Well done Caroline. Lovely person, great constituency MP, more guts and principles than most of the other slimeballs in Parliament put together. End of![]()
Just not under your house though, eh? I think that's the issue. Well that and the shocking amount of water the process uses.Perhaps if we explore the possibilities that fracking offers,our grandchildren may be able to afford to warm their houses.
I didn't have a lot of time for this Woman before but she has gone up hugely in my estimations. Good for her.
According to the latest Private Eye ... the landowner is Simon Greenwood, who inherited the Balcombe estate from his mother, who was gifted it by the Cowdray estate, as a dowry. Simon Greenwood is a Balcombe Parish Councillor, and was a party to the decision of the Parish Council not to object to the planning application by Cuadrilla for permission to drill - although there is no record of a declaration of interest by Mr Greenwood at the time, nor is there a formal record in the minutes of the Council of the matter even being discussed. The only public record of the Parish Council's decision not to object is a letter from the Council to WSCC Planning Officers saying that "the matter was discussed at the last regular meeting" and there was "no objection".
As a former parish councillor myself, I would say without hesitation that even the smallest of parishes would normally alert local people about a proposal such as this, while there is still time to object. On this occasion, for some reason, Balcombe Parish Council seem to have reached the decision not to object, without any local consultation at all. It was surely the responsibility of Councillor Greenwood and his colleagues at least to tell local people about the fact that a planning application had been passed to them to express the views of the locals to the planning authority?
The fact that there was no objection from the Parish Council (or any local people) allowed West Sussex County Council to grant planning permission without even referring the application to a meeting of its own councillors.
Something smells.
there is no record of a declaration of interest by Mr Greenwood at the time, nor is there a formal record in the minutes of the Council of the matter even being discussed.
I mean, as politicians go, she seems pretty decent to me. Fairly honest, certainly down to earth. But one self-publicising PR act like this doesn't say much about her in my eyes She wanted some attention and got it. If that gets her more votes then good luck to her - but it shouldn't.
So no minutes were taken regarding the decision or how it was reached? Aren't publicly-elected bodies required by law to make a record of their meetings?
Her action is entirely in keeping with her beliefs. She has put her political money where her mouth is so to speak and stood up (or in this case sat down) for her principles. Whether you agree with her or not at least she is not afraid to get stuck in. I look forward to voting Caroline back to westminster at the next election.
Good constituency MP, great on local issues. I'll be voting for her again next time.
A threesome with Caroline Lucas and TSBYou two would go well together, Timothy.
Oh and I'm with her.
Disgraceful " sitting in the back of a Police van screeching " do,you know who I am?" No love, none of your constituents have a clue.
I mean, as politicians go, she seems pretty decent to me. Fairly honest, certainly down to earth. But one self-publicising PR act like this doesn't say much about her in my eyes She wanted some attention and got it. If that gets her more votes then good luck to her - but it shouldn't.
Haven't read the whole thread on this so it may be covered later on but where's the proper debate that's being had on this? Some have suggested it is dangerous, could contaminate the water supplies and various other things, the government have said 'No no it won't' and are ploughing ahead regardless. That's the British government that said 'No no BSE can't be transferred across to humans, here you go little girl get that down your neck in front of the cameras'.I bet the Chief Constable's ears are burning this evening but good on Sussex Police for upholding the law. I hope they aren't influenced to back down.
No intelligent voter will swallow Lucas's belated attempt to jump on the media frenzy at Balcombe or her wailing in front of the cameras, its just a cheap stunt and her rhetoric does nothing to further the proper debate on fracking.