Calm down snowflake.
Is the OP angry about EVERYTHING these days?![]()
OP is prob one of those wallies that still wears shorts to the Amex til about Bonfire night![]()
It does my head in!
It’s summertime, our climate has always been mixed. The first spot of rain or a tiny light shower and everyone panics, runs for shelter, cancels short simply can’t cope. Women especially are mental; shoes, coats, umbrellas, strategic mapping of the what if scenarios. FFS Britain, it’s rain. You get wet. Ever ever so slightly usually. It’ll evaporate 9/10 before you put your hair net on. We can still enjoy the outdoors without the IMMENSE fuss most Britons kick up when a grey cloud skirts the horizon; a slight wind whips up; or the temperature falls below 20 degrees.
Am I the only person wearing shorts and t shirt and not giving a shit if I get slightly wet and it’s still 23 degrees. Given our country’s climate, I’ve always been amazed at the utter inability for people to enjoy outside without hysteria over it not being boiling hot and perfect blue skies. I’d be bbq ing in November if wasn’t for the pathetic inability of friends and family to be outside when it’s only 12 degrees (but dry)
Britain CAN’T take it!![]()
Given our country’s climate, I’ve always been amazed at the utter inability for people to enjoy outside without hysteria over it not being boiling hot and perfect blue skies.
Best thing, on the very rare occasion we get snow, people wearing big coats, scarfs gloves hats, etc - - - - and material trainers.
Cut him some slack. He just got caught in a rain shower.
I have a cold shower first thing every morning.the cold water shock has several benefits but regarding the weather I find I am quite comfortable getting soaked to the skin in even the most coldest and wettest of days.people are too soft and pampered these days.
I'll distance myself from "women especially are mental" but other than that the OP is spot on.
House heated 10 months of the year at 25 degrees.
The weather outside gets to 27 degrees and all you hear is "oh it's too hot to do anything", seemingly including growing a pair.
I have a cold shower first thing every morning.the cold water shock has several benefits but regarding the weather I find I am quite comfortable getting soaked to the skin in even the most coldest and wettest of days.people are too soft and pampered these days.
Is the OP angry about EVERYTHING these days?![]()
...with respect, please don't post you nothing about![]()
It does my head in! It’s summertime, our climate has always been mixed. The first spot of rain or a tiny light shower and everyone panics...
anyone who hadn’t though this scenario was possible clearly has been on another planet. I’m quite pleasantly surprised by the news interviews this morning, people seem to be accepting of the situation and not blaming the government for a change. Most un British!
This government has royally ****ed things up. I gave Boris a pass at first, he appeared to be rising to the challenge. Not anymore. How hard can it be to get things right in terms of simple advice and guidance? It’s breathtaking ineptitude. As for each of the four kingdoms having a different take, that in itself is a joke too. Our borders are leakier than a colander what with private planes and illegals crossing the channel in ribs everyday. Containing this virus is in the hands of each person essentially. Which means it’s doomed to fail. Especially given the ‘rights’ of individuals has never been higher in history and it’s become a national obsession to question and challenge every kind of authority in the country a la ‘you can’t tell me what to do’. Even lollipop ladies get abuse these days!
Ooo, have we a new shirt reveal?! I bet it will be awful
He’s 32 with a record of injuries. I can’t get excited because he’s going to be out a lot, mark my words.
Fair enough. Must just be how it seems to me.
Go to Cliveden and chill, we did yesterday, watching wallies on paddle boards floating down the Thames![]()
Does that make you happier BN? Sorry if you perceive every comment of mine as ‘angry’, enough to start tracking different threads and making notes! I shall be more cautious now I know I’ve a stalker and there’s a limit to the number of opinions allowed in 24hrs. You want to track back and see what I wrote in March April and May. I was on fire then.
No stalking here and I haven't been tracking threads; I just clicked on your profile as it shows the poster's most recent posts on one page. Took about 30 seconds.
Anyway, for what it's worth, I find your posts funny (in a good way) which is why I remembered them. The 'angry' was only intended to be tongue in cheek as for some reason [MENTION=28934]AmexRuislip[/MENTION] suddenly dived in, went way over the top of the ball and then went and used the "with respect..." phrase
Anyway, no offence intended. I'm going back to read what you wrote in March, April and May now![]()