Registered ruffian
Presumably he attended a Brighton Mosque. They are getting it from somewhere, and I doubt it's from West Street on a Friday night with all the other Students.
This person was not long ago an innocent child who had his whole life ahead of him.
Something went wrong down the line. I encourage you all to consider what that could be.
This person was not long ago an innocent child who had his whole life ahead of him.
Something went wrong down the line. I encourage you all to consider what that could be.
Bombing really works doesn't it - must be a perfect world by now in the Middle East!
View attachment 58939
Yes, it does appear that he was fighting with the (comparatively) good guys against the really, really bad ones, but he really should have just stayed home and done his homework.It is reported that the 19-year-old is a member of Jabhat al-Nusra, an affiliate group of al-Qaida which has fought against both the forces of the Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad, and Islamic State militants in the country’s civil war.
I'm not excusing his actions at all, he was an idiot and he's paid the price.
Society does need to take responsibility too though. Western nations have bombed no less than 6 Muslim countries in the last 12 years. Islamophobia is rife, even on a modest & tolerant website like NSC there is constant denunciation of Muslims, and generally the youth of today are disenfranchised and see no meaningful future. It's no surprise to me how so many young Muslim men are so easily radicalised when their identity is despised and they can envision an opportunity to be a part of something significant, albeit evil, like this.
I think it's sad. Not for the bitter, angry man that he became - not even for his parents, who could have possibly done more - but for the innocent, vulnerable child that he was 10 years ago. There are children in schools today that will suffer the same fate if we continue this approach.
The boy was a misguided fool no doubt and deserved all he got.
However I know moslems who are extremely reasonable and happy to discuss their culture with those who ask about it respectfully. There are others who consider any question racist.
I believe the moslem faith and koran is based on peace and is being abused by a few extremists. A bit like some sections of religions based on the bible (both books).
I'm not excusing his actions at all, he was an idiot and he's paid the price.
Society does need to take responsibility too though. Western nations have bombed no less than 6 Muslim countries in the last 12 years. Islamophobia is rife, even on a modest & tolerant website like NSC there is constant denunciation of Muslims, and generally the youth of today are disenfranchised and see no meaningful future. It's no surprise to me how so many young Muslim men are so easily radicalised when their identity is despised and they can envision an opportunity to be a part of something significant, albeit evil, like this.
I think it's sad. Not for the bitter, angry man that he became - not even for his parents, who could have possibly done more - but for the innocent, vulnerable child that he was 10 years ago. There are children in schools today that will suffer the same fate if we continue this approach.
How many extremist gay people do you see being blown to Kingdom come ...
I could have phrased that better.![]()
For the past 1,500 hundred years the west has been at war with ISLAM. The faith is utterly irreconcilable with secularism and always will be.
Its an interesting intellectual exercise to chart the rise of Islam against the rise of social democracy and and he impact of popular movements in non Islamic societies from royalist to communist or from dictatorship to's always the same. Islam is NOT a religion in the same way as Christianity or Buddhism. It's a way of life. A political, legal and moral code which absolutely cannot work outside of its own structure.
What I am saying is that beyond the ridiculous image of a bearded man waving his index finger next to his face as he lectures the infidels in his suicide video there is a deeper message. A message which says "there is NOTHING anyone can do or say to us that will convince us to stop. We hate you. You are worthless. We will never allow you to live in peace alongside us. We will only rest when everyone on earth submits to the will of our blood soaked god.
It fills me with dread when I hear another secular "commentator" on the news or during a debate saying "0f course these Jihadis aren't really Muslims" and excusing the religion from rancour every time another charity worker or tourist gets their head hacked off by a balaclava wearing maniac on YouTube. That's like saying its nothing to do with Hitler had nothing to do with an individual SS soldier shooting a Jew or did. It had EVERYTHING. To do with Hitler and Jihad has EVERYTHING to do with Islam...and we all know it deep down. From Abu Qutada to Lee Rigby.
Islam is responsible and every "moderate" imam can only lie for so long.
I was an innocent, vulnerable child 15 years ago... Maybe we should make believing in religion a crime..?I'm not excusing his actions at all, he was an idiot and he's paid the price.
Society does need to take responsibility too though. Western nations have bombed no less than 6 Muslim countries in the last 12 years. Islamophobia is rife, even on a modest & tolerant website like NSC there is constant denunciation of Muslims, and generally the youth of today are disenfranchised and see no meaningful future. It's no surprise to me how so many young Muslim men are so easily radicalised when their identity is despised and they can envision an opportunity to be a part of something significant, albeit evil, like this.
I think it's sad. Not for the bitter, angry man that he became - not even for his parents, who could have possibly done more - but for the innocent, vulnerable child that he was 10 years ago. There are children in schools today that will suffer the same fate if we continue this approach.
May he rest in pieces
Quite simply he felt that his Arab roots were stronger than any British identity he may have felt. This lead to the decision that he wanted to fight with those he considered his true people against the West which includes Britain.
I'm sure most Muslims in this country are horrified with the murder and carnage that this particular group IS are conducting. However, I bet most Muslims do have a problem with the West interfering in their homelands.
Let's face it we try and run they're countries for oil. We need the oil supply and we'd all moan like crap if we couldn't use our cars for just one day ( look at petrol strikes).
Let's just imagine that Spain was the most powerful nation in the world with the most modern military and we weren't even close......
It would be No different for the British now living in Spain to conduct a 'terror campaign' against Spanish mainland, if Spain had flexed it's muscles and put a puppet leader in place in Westminster to secure access to our resources, and also bombed and killed our children etc..
I even expect that if Spanish ground troops were sent to UK, that ex pats would reject their new Spanish identity and fly home to fight against the Spanish.
Only solution is to either accept that we need the oil supply and that immigration doesn't work because of people's loyalty to their original homeland
The West pulls out of all Arab lands and looks to other options over oil and accepts that we will lose our standard of living until replacement found.
This person was not long ago an innocent child who had his whole life ahead of him.
Something went wrong down the line. I encourage you all to consider what that could be.
Bombing really works doesn't it - must be a perfect world by now in the Middle East!
View attachment 58939
This person was not long ago an innocent child who had his whole life ahead of him.
Something went wrong down the line. I encourage you all to consider what that could be.