Ding Dong !
Boy I'm HOT today !
Blimey, and I can't be arsed to travel from Worthing !!This is turning into the journey from Hell.
Was informed at 6am this morning that due to signal failure all Thameslink trains direct to Brighton were cancelled - but could still get a train to Hitchen get a train from Hitchen to Farringdon and pick up the Thameslink in Farringdon. So left an hour earlier than planned to make the Hitchen connection from Cambridge.
Arrived at Cambridge at 11.00 to be told someone jumped in front of a train at Stevenage so there’s no trains on the Thameslink at all.
Now going to Liverpool Street on a ridiculously crowded train then have to get the Elizabeth Line to Farringdon and hopefully pick up the Thameslink from Farringdon.
Why does this happen every time I travel to the Amex
We had better put up a good side tonight!