hart's shirt
Well-known member
So does anyone know much about this David Smith character? What are his interests etc? Would be good to make a link with those, if possible, rather than than an appeal for the good of history which might fall on deaf ears.
From http://www.brightonandhoveconservatives.com/page/18/
Councillor David Smith, Mayor of the City of Brighton & Hove 2006/7.
I was born in Hove but have lived most of my life in Brighton. I went to Stanford Road Junior School and Shoreham Grammar School and did my national service in the Royal Navy. I married Pat in 1959 at St Peters Church in Brighton and we have 3 children Christopher, Joanne & Alison and 5 grandchildren.
I have been a Conservative councillor in Brighton since 1974 with a short break in 1995. I have been a member of all the major committees at one time or another. I was Chairman of the Tourism, Museums and Entertainments committee in 1978 and 1983-86. I was Chairman of the British Resorts Association in 1987/9 and I was made an Honorary Alderman in 1997 on the dissolution of the old Borough Council. I have been the Conservative spokesman for Culture, Tourism and Sport for Brighton & Hove City Council for a number of years.
My special interests include increasing/improving affordable sporting facilities for all residents regardless of age or disability and an expanding culture/tourist industry that will bring added wealth to the City and provide jobs and security for all our citizens.
To contact David, please call 291206
Email david.smith@brighton-hove.gov.uk