3 less scrotes
We were in central Brighton today for the first time in ages.
It really is a shithole.
Quite how anyone can be possessive over such a dump is beyond me.
A 'minor' purge of the lefty/greeny virtue signalling elements from the city that encourage this sort of thing?
The town is becoming an embarrassment to our county
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Problem is people in Brighton are lazy feckless degenerates who like to bask in a fake bohemian culture.
We were in central Brighton today for the first time in ages.
It really is a shithole.
Quite how anyone can be possessive over such a dump is beyond me.
Have you been to Stoke?
How's the head HT?
Air rifles at the ready....taggers are fair game. They are hardly going to report being shot at whilst vandalising property.
Have you been to Stoke?