I went round a friends house a few years back, not seen the guy for a few years simply because of a coke issue. It completely does my head in. In the early 90's I was doing all sorts but as time went on my head and my attitude was going down hill, so one day I just decided that was it. However my friend had moved on to coke and its been going on for the last 15 years. Anyway the time I went round there two more people knocked on the door and then they all started snorting coke. Within 10 minutes these people where completely buzzed off their heads. I did not feel comfortable with this, refused the offer of coke and just said I had to go. I have not seem my friend since. I don't like it, I think its a bad drug to get out of.
I went through a stage, lasting a bout 3 months a good few years ago where I was doing my fair share of pills with a group of people who were my friends but not true friends. One Fri, the day before my Birthday I went out with them, got loaded and then the next day was supposed to be out with my true friends, having a party at a pub they had organised for me. I was a bloody mess, no sleep, on a comedown, edgy, shaky and unable to get drunk enjoyably. Made the decision that day to not take them again, and apart from 2 lapses of judgement have stuck to it thank the Lord.
Been in Brighton all my life, been to a lot of clubs over the last 30 years, predominantly for music, in fact only go for the live music, and have never been approached or offered drugs,
Is it more a “dj” type Kevin & Perry clubs that they get offered in ?
Never seen them never touched them. Life give me a high, don’t need false stimulants![]()
It's the same with most drugs really, including alcohol. It's not good if you're not on the same level as the people you're with, if you went round and they were really stoned or really pissed the result would be the same - really boring for you. I still do coke from time to time but probably wouldn't want to sit with a load of people who were getting on it, if I wasn't.
Interesting story, I've felt like that a few times![]()
When people make their opinions on drugs they tend to forget the social aspects of it. Most people get to a point and know when to reign it back in, when it affects their work or their non-drugs related social life. Unfortunately you only tend to hear the bad stories like on the durlston thread.
I can name about 20 people who I'm good friends with who have regularly done pills, coke and various other substances for the last 10 years and not lost a job or relationship. I can name 2 people who ended up in prison, rehab or both.
Most have calmed it right down now, as with any hobby you just get bored and discover new things. I think people that have never tried anything get some warped idea of being addicted after one line or shady men giving out drugs to schoolkids, it just isn't like that.
You can get offered them anywhere but you do need to have the right kind of face.
What I mean is dealers can usually tell whether someone is likely to buy from them. Sometimes they are wrong (as Empire will tell you!!) but I imagine the reason you haven't been offered is because you "dont look the sort".
I think there comes to a point with all drugs where your body and mind says enough is enough. I was the same. I would stay out all night, get back at 5am and not be able to sleep. I would stay up all next day finally coming down on Sunday evening and then waking up for work on Monday feeling like complete shit. It not good.
Never touched a drug in my life, but I got offered them about a year ago. Can't remember what I said, but they didn't seem happy.
Reality, for people who can't hack drugs
Fantastic attitude. I'm glad to hear that you don't want your children to take drugs (WOWSER), and I think they have the perfect role model in a violent neanderthal thug like you.
I salute you![]()
It's the same with most drugs really, including alcohol. It's not good if you're not on the same level as the people you're with, if you went round and they were really stoned or really pissed the result would be the same - really boring for you. I still do coke from time to time but probably wouldn't want to sit with a load of people who were getting on it, if I wasn't.
Interesting story, I've felt like that a few times![]()
When people make their opinions on drugs they tend to forget the social aspects of it. Most people get to a point and know when to reign it back in, when it affects their work or their non-drugs related social life. Unfortunately you only tend to hear the bad stories like on the durlston thread.
I can name about 20 people who I'm good friends with who have regularly done pills, coke and various other substances for the last 10 years and not lost a job or relationship. I can name 2 people who ended up in prison, rehab or both.
Most have calmed it right down now, as with any hobby you just get bored and discover new things. I think people that have never tried anything get some warped idea of being addicted after one line or shady men giving out drugs to schoolkids, it just isn't like that.
Drugs will always be offered to people. Beating up drug dealers, while not completely unjustifiable, does not resolve this. You just have to raise your kiddywinks to make sensible decisions.
not justifiable,but understandable,wrong time and place maybe,but dont regret whati did
I have always been surprised just how rife coke use is in Brighton. I would say about 1 in 4 people I know regularly do it, a lot of the time people who I would never have thought would be into it at all.
this is not the question. everyone falls in somewhere on the drugs good or bad spectrum. thats a given, as someone more stupid and parrot like might say.
what about the town. i seem to remember in the early nineties it was almost compulsory. perhaps thats just the time when you are most exposed to it at a certain age, but i come back now and it does seem like late 80s miami compared to other places with the coke obsession. it was never like that before. is that the town or is that just the entire country. coke is right up brightons street though as a drug, fits the bill perfectly. a bit flash and makes you talk about how great you are non stop.
*thats a joke for the excessively defensive of the town on here*