Congratulations to the people who got what they preferred. I enjoyed a great deal (although not all) of the correspondence. It will be interesting to see how it all unfolds. Onwards and upwards . . . .
This may be so but he didn't critisise or extinguish the claim during the campaign. He quietly ran with it and left the lie to be told as the truth. Regardless of who made the claim though, it was very deceptive on such a strong point and we don't know how many millions of votes were won over on that false info.
The fact that 63%, i.e. the vast majority, of the electorate didn’t vote for Brexit, yet it’s going to happen anyway, just shows how stupid Dodgy Dave was in the first place to offer a referendum on the issue.
He should’ve had the balls to stick with his conviction. Now he has quite likely allowed the country to be royally screwed over, on the basis of what a minority (of which the vast majority of the countries racists belong to) of people want.
Not happy.
Remind everyone of the Tories pledge to get immigration down at the last election, a pledge that was never achievable.
At the last election, 63% of the population didn't vote Tory, but that didn't stop them taking power.
I'm not a fan of the tories or any other party for that matter.
I'm inquisitive in wondering how at 7.56 am this very morning, you can ascertain what the hell will happen to your pension pot!
My financial advisor has just got off the phone to me saying everything's up in the air for a while. Which pizzes me off as only last week he was assuring me that leaving would be okay. Anyway lucky you![]()
Or they hold outdated prejudices and ill informed views.
PS, I also have some 12 years til I retire and, thanks to the " All in this Together " austerity of the last 6 years my wages have been cut right back and now my pension pot has just sunk in the Stock Exchange... I really hope that somehow we can become a global superpower, achieve 3-4% annual growth, ramp up the funding for the NHS ( as I'm getting a bit old and things are going to start to wear out soon, but , hey I have always been employed and paid my taxes so it's my turn.) and import as much cheap New Zealand Lamb as we can ( sorry Welsh Farmers !)and hope that I don't get laid off or my hours/earnings cut ( as obviously there is no union representation and soon to be no Working Right's Directives... hell I'm not afraid though... Boris has promised me The Promised Land.
But we pay our MPs to make our big decisions for us, not gamble their own political careers by passing these decisions to a public that doesn't really have the facts to hand.
What next? A referendum on taking the country to war in Iraq? A referendum on being a republic maybe? What about on whether we want the BoE to increase interest rates?
There is a petition that has been launched for the government to debate a 2nd referendum. I shall sign it as I believe the decision taken either way should have contained a stipulation that it needed a 60% overall vote to change it was aso mentioned on the radio the vast number of votes to leave came from the older voters who wont be affected and that the age to vote on this issue alone should have been lowered to 16 as it will affect them in later life.
What would have been the peoples reaction if either had won by 1 vote? It makes sense for there to be a minimum stipulated majority to ensure fairness.
The fact that 63%, i.e. the vast majority, of the electorate didn’t vote for Brexit, yet it’s going to happen anyway, just shows how stupid Dodgy Dave was in the first place to offer a referendum on the issue.
He should’ve had the balls to stick with his conviction. Now he has quite likely allowed the country to be royally screwed over, on the basis of what a minority (of which the vast majority of the countries racists belong to) of people want.
Not happy.