I have never voted Conservative, and i will not vote for a party that does not listen.
So how do those that believe that they are not being listened to bring about a change in Government. You have stated that you and many others will never vote Labour again, and I take it that you will never vote Conservative either. Therefore on the basis that this is repeated by other Labour voters, it could be that where Labour hold seats they may loose many of them to whichever party you are other former Labour voters decided to put your 'x' against.
Thereby the number of seats that Labour have is reduced but the Conservative seats hold up, so that there is less change of a change in Government because the opposition is fragmented, and Labour become just one of 3 or 4 opposition parties which are unable to mount a series voice against the Government given that they probably won't agree on many issues.
So your optimism of being able to vote out the decision makers not that we have our country back is not realised.