Banned along with his chum baker lite.What's happened to PPF these days ?
I remember a number of Brexiteers at the time of the referendum giving it 10 years before the EU crumbled. [MENTION=5200]Buzzer[/MENTION] was definitely one of them. 6 years on and it growing.
Maybe the EU ambassador needs a chat with Mick Lynch.
The RMT (one of the founding unions of the Labour movement) were outed from the party by Blair on clause 4 which is key to their support for Brexit…….now the Blairites are back in the ascendancy again they must hate the likes of Mick Lynch.
They can’t face both ways………
What's happened to PPF these days ?
that is so utterly, utterly, desperate. the penny must be about to start thinking about maybe trying to start dropping around about nowish, shirley?
Growing…….you mean advancing eastwards without consent from eu electorates…….a new policy of laubensraum?
Good luck to those in the EU.
I think I've found one penny that's still pretty firmly stuck despite the overwhelming evidence
One quote that stood out.
" The huge benefits of the single market – trading freely across borders, with common standards – were never highlighted by Vote Leave, and rarely by the crudely alarmist Remain camp."
It was highlighted by remainers, but people such as the one quoted above chose to ignore it.
But then again we were never supposed to be leave it according to team leave.
You’re fighting the wrong battle……you need to start-up the rejoin the EU bus.
That means committing to join the euro…..
Let’s hand over fiscal sovereignty to the ECB……over to you Mario!