Randy McNob
> > > > > > Cardiff > > > > >
- Jun 13, 2020
- 4,782
BUt BrItaiN is gOiNg gLoBal.Both Ukraine and Georgia have applied to join the EU.
Many quitters predicted the EU would start breaking up after we left, but it’s going from strength to strength.
Complete vacuum in thought and opinion... now back to the thread.....
The cost of Brexit.... William Keegan March 7th
Brexit was always going to be a geopolitical and economic disaster – a once-proud nation cutting off its nose to spite its face. The daily tragedy of Putin’s laying waste of Ukraine has highlighted the shortsightedness of Johnson’s geopolitical misjudgment in leaving the European Union.
As that great one-nation Tory Remainer Michael Heseltine says: “Our continent faces a threat as severe as anything since the end of the cold war. I am ashamed that the country that in my lifetime saved European democracy has now absented itself, and that others must now determine Europe’s response.”
I am sure that my old friend the good Lord Heseltine means no disrespect to the “others” – our former partners in the EU. Like millions, he would like us to be in there as Europe unites itself in the face of the crisis. How ironic that members of the former Soviet bloc, which we encouraged to join the EU, are still there, whereas the bar-room joke is: who is going to join the EU first – the UK or Ukraine?
The UK’s Brexit-induced economic disaster has not gone away simply because attention is understandably devoted to what is happening in Ukraine. And, of course, Pelion has been piled upon Ossa with the extra economic damage wreaked by Putin’s assault: the aggravation of shortages of energy supplies and the concomitant rise in an already disturbing inflation rate. It’s going to be a rough year for the British and many other economies.
That's the spirit
It really depends on what is in the Russian Influence report that Johnson has refused to release.[tweet]1499472055888236544[/tweet]
remember which side you're on Brexiteers
Why Brexit Needs an FBI Style Inquiry...
A few days after the important news that Britain's biggest ever political donor is to be investigated by Britain's FBI, Carole and Peter sketch out some of the connections between the EU referendum vote, the election of Donald Trump, and the interference of Vladimir Putin. More psych ops dark ads and dark money to come.
It will never happen, but it should