Tongue-in-cheek right? Otherwise this 'Dark side' divided mentality really worries me
Relax Skywalker
Tongue-in-cheek right? Otherwise this 'Dark side' divided mentality really worries me
What's wrong with sharing standards? Are we going to start selling products to the EU in imperial weights and measures now?
Side splitting was it ? I probably wouldn't have fully appreciated it today JC, thumping headache.
Obviously you won't see it until too late, but my view is the Majority has made a terrible mistake, and the decision is wrong. I despise the self-righteous idea of age=knowledge, but hey.
EDIT: Ph, and by the way- "little tantrum from a young and immature guy"
good luck in hiding your sock, I mean in your A levelsI'm the immature one?
I despise the self-righteous idea of age=knowledge, but hey.
Nothing and if we are going to export to the EU then our products will still have to meet those standards anyway
The reply was to the comment that because we are leaving, we will end up with extremely dodgy products that are dangerous to the consumer because apparently consumer protection is only possible by being in the EU and these safeguards only exist through continued membership.
I'm replying to you, but there was a few others who essentially did the same thing [MENTION=5101]BigGully[/MENTION] ect. Why because I'm 17, does that mean that my future should not be mine to decide, or my opinion is suddenly invalid. Think I'm off to Germany, currently studying German A-level so shouldn't be too difficult to pick up the rest of the language. Would rather not stay and see Britain slowly crumble into Farage-Land. Anyone know any good stream sites so I can catch the Albion games?
No it isn't.
39 out of 40 haven't signed it.
People didn't pay attention to those that advocated staying in the undemocratic EU and voted out.
Those that dont believe in democracy are adding their names to a petition that doesn't believe in democracy.
This is all sorts of weird.
From a Remain supporter, it does. Go sit in the corner, be quiet, listen and learn.
How is that undemocratic?
I'm replying to you, but there was a few others who essentially did the same thing [MENTION=5101]BigGully[/MENTION] ect. Why because I'm 17, does that mean that my future should not be mine to decide, or my opinion is suddenly invalid. Think I'm off to Germany, currently studying German A-level so shouldn't be too difficult to pick up the rest of the language. Would rather not stay and see Britain slowly crumble into Farage-Land. Anyone know any good stream sites so I can catch the Albion games?
Getting a little concerned about Herr Tubthumper. Anyone seen him? Can his neighbours check on him. We know the result must have been a serious shock to him so I am worried.
Getting a little concerned about Herr Tubthumper. Anyone seen him? Can his neighbours check on him. We know the result must have been a serious shock to him so I am worried.
Getting a little concerned about Herr Tubthumper. Anyone seen him? Can his neighbours check on him. We know the result must have been a serious shock to him so I am worried.
I would have liked his views was thinking the same.....
Or they are busy writing 39000 additions to the 2nd referendum petition from the Vatican City.I think it likely he and some other remain supporters (5ways) have made the sensible choice of steering well clear of social media until they have gathered their thoughts and had time to reflect on what is obviously a crushing disappointment. Or they are on holiday making the most of free movement while it's still available ....
Unelected law makers in the UK: 825.
Unelected law makers in the EU: 0.
How is that undemocratic?
Probably out for a beer with Pork Knuckle PeteGetting a little concerned about Herr Tubthumper. Anyone seen him? Can his neighbours check on him. We know the result must have been a serious shock to him so I am worried.
People vote in a free and fair referendum (or any other vote or election for that matter) --> there is a result ---> people are unhappy with the result because it's not what they wanted ----> they call for it to be ignored / ripped up / re-run in the hope of getting their preferred result because they are unwilling to accept the result of the democratic process