Comic Sans
Comic f**kin Sans
Comic f**kin Sans
Disagree - May was far worse.
Unfortunately, unlike many on here who profess to be knowledgeable and superior, I can only vote based on what I hear or read and I think that goes for most of the voting public as we are not all experts in these matters.
Unfortunately, unlike many on here who profess to be knowledgeable and superior, I can only vote based on what I hear or read and I think that goes for most of the voting public as we are not all experts in these matters.
We all have access to exactly the same information and make the same choice whether to evaluate the reliability of what we read and hear or whether to accept it without question. To question it is our most basic responsibility as voting citizens.
There is nothing knowledgeable or superior in choosing factual evidence and objective truth and experts with many years more expertise than ourselves, and rejecting the opinions of people who can provide no evidence or expertise like Gove, Rees-Mogg and Farage, or proven relentless liars like Johnson, and people who will make a lot of money out of what they're doing and can't (and don't) deny everyone else will suffer.
What's knowledgeable and superior about that? Surely it's just commonsense?
In years to come, when Brexit has happened, because I think it will, people will question how Brexit was ever seen as patriotic and many Leavers will be embarrassed to admit they were so conned. Now just a small fraction of the Government's own impact assessment is available for us all to read people will also question why some Leavers stood by their 2016 vote despite all the evidence being available they were destroying British jobs, industry, quality of life, education and 101 other things by doing so. Again, nothing superior about that, it's commonsense not to choose to destroy your country.
Glad you heard that too, I was incredulous listening along, I think he was stunned by her ability to witter on about how good the deal was going to be for the UK despite not being able to actually name ANY benefit , and yes, hilarious that she called him Nick repeatedly.
We all have access to exactly the same information and make the same choice whether to evaluate the reliability of what we read and hear or whether to accept it without question. To question it is our most basic responsibility as voting citizens.
There is nothing knowledgeable or superior in choosing factual evidence and objective truth and experts with many years more expertise than ourselves, and rejecting the opinions of people who can provide no evidence or expertise like Gove, Rees-Mogg and Farage, or proven relentless liars like Johnson, and people who will make a lot of money out of what they're doing and can't (and don't) deny everyone else will suffer.
What's knowledgeable and superior about that? Surely it's just commonsense?
In years to come, when Brexit has happened, because I think it will, people will question how Brexit was ever seen as patriotic and many Leavers will be embarrassed to admit they were so conned. Now just a small fraction of the Government's own impact assessment is available for us all to read people will also question why some Leavers stood by their 2016 vote despite all the evidence being available they were destroying British jobs, industry, quality of life, education and 101 other things by doing so. Again, nothing superior about that, it's commonsense not to choose to destroy your country.
Unfortunately, unlike many on here who profess to be knowledgeable and superior, I can only vote based on what I hear or read and I think that goes for most of the voting public as we are not all experts in these matters.
If only Starmer was leader and they sorted themselves out.
I find it extraordinary that the Tories are so there for the taking and could never be back in power for many years yet they keep shooting themselves in the foot.
The thought of The Brexit Party picking up loads of votes because of this makes me go cold.
You would have thought that when push comes to shove only a tiny minority of the criminally insane would vote for 1 policy Brexit at a general election but sadly this is not the case with the British public today.
Maybe she'd been kicked in the head by a horse?
Glad you heard that too, I was incredulous listening along, I think he was stunned by her ability to witter on about how good the deal was going to be for the UK despite not being able to actually name ANY benefit , and yes, hilarious that she called him Nick repeatedly.
We all have access to exactly the same information and make the same choice whether to evaluate the reliability of what we read and hear or whether to accept it without question. To question it is our most basic responsibility as voting citizens.
There is nothing knowledgeable or superior in choosing factual evidence and objective truth and experts with many years more expertise than ourselves, and rejecting the opinions of people who can provide no evidence or expertise like Gove, Rees-Mogg and Farage, or proven relentless liars like Johnson, and people who will make a lot of money out of what they're doing and can't (and don't) deny everyone else will suffer.
What's knowledgeable and superior about that? Surely it's just commonsense?
In years to come, when Brexit has happened, because I think it will, people will question how Brexit was ever seen as patriotic and many Leavers will be embarrassed to admit they were so conned. Now just a small fraction of the Government's own impact assessment is available for us all to read people will also question why some Leavers stood by their 2016 vote despite all the evidence being available they were destroying British jobs, industry, quality of life, education and 101 other things by doing so. Again, nothing superior about that, it's commonsense not to choose to destroy your country.
A lot of blame get put on the left behind areas of the north for Brexit, if they voted for Brexit I have some sympathy as they've been f**ked over for decades.
But its people like this in southern England that put us in the place we are now in, elderly, probably comfortably off with a nice pension. But clueless...
Don’t forget those pesky Northern folk....
Is anyone of the opinion that if we end up in a situation where we revoke article 50 then we should go all in on the European project rather than a bit in and a bit out as we are now?