Deportivo Seagull
I should coco
Wonderful isn’t it. Boris’s future is on a knife edge and you are thoroughly pissed off.
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Wonderful isn’t it. Boris’s future is on a knife edge and you are thoroughly pissed off.
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Brexiteers voted against it in big numbers. It is the oppositions JOB to oppose. Clues in the name.
Boris Johnson - incontinent mendacity.
I’m now very much of the opinion that Boris Johnson, and from his previous “May” manoeuvres JRM, are nowhere near as clever as they think they are.
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZAny blame for ALL of this, lies firmly with those that blindly voted Leave, with no real thought behind it, other than that which was spoon-fed them by the likes of the tabloids and Farage.
That does not include ALL Leave voters, to be clear.
Much the same way as an unelected Prime Minister who could never decide his position* manages to take over the HoC and get the figurehead monarch to progrogue parliament, whilst attempting to control his own MPs (and failing) using a completely unelected bully boy.
* All the times Boris has contradicted himself over Brexit
But Boris hasn't joined another party, thanks for the spin though
Is Johnson lying
Absolute **** should have been shown the door how does an MP join another party whilst being elected by his constituents to represent the party they voted him into Parliament to represent?
It's strange - when the Labour and Tory MPs deserted their parties to form the strange 'Change' party all the parties yelled that they should stand again in a by-election …. including the disgusting Lib Dems. Seems they are quite happy to accept deserters without calling for a by-election. Hypocrites.
Brexiteers voted against it in big numbers. It is the oppositions JOB to oppose. Clues in the name.
It's strange - when the Labour and Tory MPs deserted their parties to form the strange 'Change' party all the parties yelled that they should stand again in a by-election …. including the disgusting Lib Dems. Seems they are quite happy to accept deserters without calling for a by-election. Hypocrites.
But that's irrelevant as Dominic Cummings is the one running things!!