Deleted member 22389
This German former MEP sums things up nicely.
At last somebody speaks some truth.
This German former MEP sums things up nicely.
A few months ago I posted an invitation to our Brexiteers to give their views on climate change. I did this because I thought that there was 'probably' (there are no studies on this to my knowledge) there would be a correlation between supporting Brexit and climate-change denial. To be fair I think only [MENTION=1365]Westdene Seagull[/MENTION] replied. However with the rain forests burning down I thought I' d revist this and look at te top end of the Brexit movement - the thought-leaders (if they can be so described!).
I found this link. It doesn't make for pretty reading in some cases. It is not a substitute for hard data but it is suggestive (but not in a Frankie Howard sort of way). For me it gives another very good reason for people to stay away form this bunch and pretty much all they stand for.
Great article here, including this beauty:
"Boris Johnson is, as ever, his own tragic Churchill tribute act. There was, to his great regret, no darkest hour waiting for him, so he switched off the lights himself."
Has someone in the right wing media/alt right website called someone a muppet. I find it hard to believe that you came up with that insult on your own.
Think Boris is doing a good job so far.
A few months ago I posted an invitation to our Brexiteers to give their views on climate change. I did this because I thought that there was 'probably' (there are no studies on this to my knowledge) there would be a correlation between supporting Brexit and climate-change denial. To be fair I think only [MENTION=1365]Westdene Seagull[/MENTION] replied. However with the rain forests burning down I thought I' d revist this and look at te top end of the Brexit movement - the thought-leaders (if they can be so described!).
I found this link. It doesn't make for pretty reading in some cases. It is not a substitute for hard data but it is suggestive (but not in a Frankie Howard sort of way). For me it gives another very good reason for people to stay away form this bunch and pretty much all they stand for.
Perhaps before preaching to us about climate change,you could tell us how you're fighting against it?Given up your cars?Given up using gas?Given up flying/motoring away on holidays?
Totally incorrect, I feel I must stick up for 2P on this one.
He is a hell of a lot more than a bit thick.
Reading his posts gives you the same reaction as when you have diarrhea and you wipe your arse and your finger goes through the paper.
He is dangerously thick.
You seem to have confused the meaning of 'preaching' with 'asking a simple question'.
He's a ****ing idiot. Memorable moment was when he announced that the SS didn't commit any atrocities until a Muslim (natch) SS Brigade did in the Balkans in 1944.
Oh dear,you really should cut down.As you used to know,the moslem unit was in France.![]()
Perhaps before preaching to us about climate change,you could tell us how you're fighting against it?Given up your cars?Given up using gas?Given up flying/motoring away on holidays?
An interesting link. I don't remember what I replied last time but to be perfectly clear, despite supporting Brexit, I do believe Climate Change is real and a very clear and present danger. Where I differ from some on here is the cause. I believe climate change is a natural happening BUT the problem being is has been accelerated by humans - vastly accelerated !!! And increased a hundred fold in it's intensity. It needs dealing with immediately.
Now you, or more precisely that article, have a link between those that want Brexit and so naturally might move towards the Brexit Party, and climate change denial. That raises a question - there is not a single political party, and I suspect MP, that I agree with everything on. So what should I do ? I agree the railways should be re-nationalised so maybe I should align with Labour ? Hmmm ….. then I look at their policy of the state taking over private schools - not something I agree with. Maybe the Tories then ? Ah, the NHS becomes a sticking point there. Of course I could consider the Lib Dems ( and just for this theory I'll put aside my hatred for them because of what they did to the Albion, or tried to do ) - problem being they utterly lied about tuition fees and are very pro-EU. OK, let's go for the SNP - small problem being I don't live in Scotland and it will be a cold day in hell when I decide to move there ( beautiful though it is ! ). UKIP maybe ? Hmmm ….. Tommy Robinson - enough said !
*Addition* - ironically I think Gove was doing a decent job at the Department for the Environment ( I know that'll be a minority view ) and so it was a shame he was given a different role.
So if I decide to only align with a party that I fully agree with I might as well not vote - or start my own party. That means, despite me disagreeing very strongly with the views on climate change on that link you posted, I still align myself with the Brexit Party ….. if only to ensure Brexit actually gets over the line. Then I'm somewhat stuffed as to who align with.
Breaking News .... Government to suspend parliament
Breaking News .... Government to suspend parliament
Well bugger me with a prickly fork ….. even as a leaver never thought that would actually happen !!!!