I can't be arsed to check through the previous several thousand posts to see if it's already been mentioned, but I would highly recommend watching on Netflix the film documentary called "The Great Hack".
It focuses on Cambridge Analytica's influence on the Trump and Brexit campaigns.
They clearly made the difference in the result, learning from the same pioneering tactics used for the successful Obama campaign.
They identified all the 'persuadable' voters who could be influenced to go and vote.
For any Brexit supporting Leave voters I accept that Bannon and Farage were ahead of the game with their tactics.
However what is patently clear in our new digital world is that there can never be a fair election again that isn't influenced by fake news being sent to identified people who will believe it.
I enjoy using Facebook, but it's very clear that it's been used as the main vehicle of mis-information, yet I still use it.
Basically we're f*cked and I think Carole Cadwallader should get some sort of super hero award for continuing to battle for the sake of good over evil.
Every voter should watch the film to understand how they have been dishonestly influenced.
I watched the programme with dismay, incredulity and anger.
Good post - and I agree that Carol Cadwalladr is a brave and honest journalist; it gives me hope to know that there are still some people of integrity investigating on our behalf.
The trouble is, some are beyond caring about how we arrived here.