Well-known member
- Dec 15, 2018
- 2,130
And what is being shown is that what you were promised is not as easily gettable as you were led to believe.
So you agree there isn’t a democratic mandate for how we leave the EU?
Glad to hear you support a 2nd referendum.![]()
It's always been an optionWhich version of Leave do we have a democratic mandate for? We know that No Deal wasn’t an option.
Back to blame game. It's everyone else's fault, not us Brexiteers. Hard-line Brexiteers ****ing up the negotiations. David Davies completely unprepared, Dominic Raab, voted against a deal he signed off.
ERG voting against the deal. Still, not Brexiteers fault.
Which version of Leave do we have a democratic mandate for? We know that No Deal wasn’t an option.
Look in the mirror
My voting slip only said Leave or Remain.
All of the T&Cs were missing from mine.
And what is being shown is that what you were promised is not as easily gettable as you were led to believe.
Only because Joe public have been treated with contempt
Which version of Leave do we have a democratic mandate for? We know that No Deal wasn’t an option.
Leave means leave .
Well at least we know now who controls Ppf's account. Knew he had to be a spoof, no-one can be that thick.
You also missed the bit where Bill Cash (and his 50 mates) got himself elected on Conservative pro-EU membership manifestos and then devoted most of his spare time attempting to unravel a key element of those manifestos.
As I said, I am not criticising him for this. It is the dual-standard hypocrites that worry me. I would prefer one Bill Cash (or Dominic Grieve) to one hundred slippery Jeremy Hunts. (That's the Jeremy Hunt who said "if there's another referendum then we can say goodbye to Brexit" while repeatedly claiming to be a democrat.)
Your charmless, humourless and pointless little observation is noted
It takes a very special kind of arrogance and contempt for the long-held UK democratic norm of respecting and enacting democratic results even if we vehemently disagree with the result. I never thought I would see the day when an established UK political party would think breaking this central pillar of democracy was acceptable and to brazenly say they would do it again, before the next democratic vote too .... a vote they are insisting we have FFS!
What has been even more surprising is the number of people willing to collaborate and defend their shameful undemocratic behaviour. As you say, the 'but Nige (someone they loathe) would do it' line is the sort of argument you would hear in a playground. Also ironic to see people who like to throw around the moron/stupid insult, conflating continuing to campaign for your cause after an election has been enacted, which as we know is entirely legitimate and proper, with trying to block the result of a democratic event that you have asked for just because you didn't get your way.
Same old lib Dems a party of **** ....
I didn’t miss anything, healthy eurosceptism has been in all the main parties over the years, its why things like Maastricht and The Lisbon Treaty didn’t have an easy ride through the parliamentary process. But we digress, you have gone off on a tangent away from the topic of not respecting the decision given by a referendum vote, probably deliberately I suspect as its really quite embarrassing for you to fully admit you support not respecting the decision given by a referendum vote if you don’t like the outcome decision given……even though, tbh, you have made it perfectly clear in the past you are an undemocratic loon and don’t think referendum outcomes need to be respected if you don’t agree with the decision given.
I think you should double down, go ultra loon and add, of course we can ignore the referendum result,it was only advisory after all and just another opinion poll,……but lets have another one, which of course, goes without saying we will adhere to if remain win……but obviously will be ignored again if Leave win a second time .
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Good,Glad you are paying attention.
Now don’t forget, since you think it’s a worthwhile saying to acknowledge, remember to shut up and never respond if you think someone is being rude.
"Never respond to rudeness. When people are rude to you, they reveal who they are, not who you are. Don’t take it personally be silent"
If can be arsed, I will make it my signature as a reminder for you. Don’t hold your breath though……or do, if you get off on that sort of thing .
Arrogance and contempt sums them up very well. I feel genuinely sorry for real liberal democrats who are horrified how toxic they have become and how they have started to attract other unsavoury collaborators .