Just I would throw this out there , make of it what you want as you all have a free mind I assume.....some are kinda true & some are kinda fiction based on some facts but not reality but most is a wishlist rather than a definate plan by some in the EU
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Not in the least bit sinister. They talk of strengthening the union. And, unlike the U.K. they actually have a plan.
Typically though, you have willingly misunderstood. Does it hurt?
I know most things fly way over your level of comprehension,but even you must understand what 'economic government' of the member states entails.If not,try asking GregBrighton or Pluke.
Well obviously the control of fishing & agriculture is kinda true in that we already lost control over them. The veto is partially true in that we have already lost the use of it in certain circumstances in favour of a 'majority vote' & the adoption of the euro being compulsory in 2022 is on the wish list of people such as Macron who want an even tighter 'Federal' style EU.
At some point I suspect most of it had some basis on truth but was more the hopes of some individuals & small groups rather than the mainstream leaders & MEP's. While not likely at the moment there is a risk if certain people get their way that some if not most of those things could happen but not because of the Lisbon Treaty but more likely a new future treaty if they ever did manage to bypass the veto system , but of course thats all hypothetical as things stand.
No, there is not a compulsory law to adopt the euro. Please search out facts and stop believing the propaganda.
If someone comes as a refugee and asks for asylum in the UK, they are not allowed to work until they have been granted asylum, once they are accepted then they are expected to support themselves, unless they have a disability, same as anyone else. Most other migrants are either students, who are only allowed to work 20 hours a week, or people on work visas, who have a job lined up. Many of those from the EU, who do not require a visa, responded to ads in their home countries asking them to come and take work here. It is not easy to sit on benefits and not work these days, in fact it is quite difficult for people with genuine disabilities to get disability payments and they are being declared fit for work, despite quite severe disability and sickness.
so who supports them whilst they are waiting for the appropriate paperwork to be proccessed...?? and how long does this procedure take ...?? genuine questions ...not being a nause,,!
i bet it takes about 6 months minimum during which time they are looked after by the state...?? i still have 2 older brothers in UK who are currently on the dole 130 quid a fortnight......what may i ask, is one supposed to do with that apart from get a box of oxycodone and end it all.......we apparently don't have the money to pay for all our benevolence , so why do it....?? where is the money supposed to come from.
1.2 billion euro's pledged to re build notre dame .....1.2 billion .....![]()
have your brothers considered learning French and training church repair?
i still have 2 older brothers in UK who are currently on the dole 130 quid a fortnight......what may i ask, is one supposed to do with that apart from get a box of oxycodone and end it all.......we apparently don't have the money to pay for all our benevolence , so why do it....?? where is the money supposed to come from.
tres bien mon ami.....no , one of them is an it consultant , the other is a builder but waiting for a hip replacement .....he will be over 65 by the time its done.
great suggestion though...![]()
Are you suggesting we don't pay out any money for people who are unfortunate enough to be out of work ?
Has the IT consultant one considered moving to find work ? I know there was plenty of work around prior to the referendum but I believe, unsurprisingly, that investment in most British based industries has taken a significant hit since.
more like the placebo effect , When we've left they can fight amongst themselvesThe Lisbon Treaty came into effect in 2009.
says Mr MANURE HIMSELFUhm, no, let me guess...does it entail you posting another load of cretinous horse-shit?
Uhm, no, let me guess...does it entail you posting another load of cretinous horse-shit?
Can always tell when a post hits home with the inadequate crew.Straight to the farm yard.![]()