thanks for your considered response .
i've answered your question thanks
Sanctimonious doesn't even begin to describe it.
Is Brexit still going? I thought the government had just put it aside and will wait until deadline day to sort it out again. Bit like the Albion in the transfer window.
Brainles troll **** describes it better I suspect.![]()
soldiers on streets ....immigrants in house.
end of
You are a true vulgarian, so limited that you resort to cliched foul language immediately without addressing the question.
'6,000 ex servicemen homeless or in prison' is a scandal - no doubt. Their circumstances and situation should be investigated and support for them provided. Britain needs to shelter ALL its citizens.
To highlight the dreadful plight of homeless servicemen (and women) in the context of immigrants having homes is simple, shameless racism. This matter isn't a simple dichotomy. You can spend some of your afternoon looking 'dichotomy' up if you like!
I don't need to be condescending with you, you give away your agenda with your ill-thought out, aggressive outpouring.
end of........
Soldiers homeless on streets is disgraceful, but that is not the fault of immigrants in houses. How about soldiers on streets, Rees-Mogg, amongst others, avoiding taxes with off shore accounts? Or soldiers on streets, Tory MP's building duck houses on expenses? Or soldiers on streets, millions wasted on Brexit Ferries?
yes agreed .....but the bare faced facts of the issue are that there are thousands of brits living rough whilst immigrants are given a very good deal would be interesting to know who owns these houses that are being used to house them , being paid for by government with tax payers money....owned by lords/m.p's....paid for by govt....??!! massive conflict of interest and all improvements to the properties are probably paid for by the tax payers but i bet the owners still manage to claim as a write off......another massive rort by the's pretty much a dead argument anyway's ****ed in my view..
Not just you thinking that way, in 2006 life long socialist Polly Toynbee in the Guardian, backed by a Labour MP in Southampton, in the Guardian covered the crash in income for trades in Southampton, with the influx of 14,000 Poles. Rates halved. It was not a racist observation, it was an overview of the effects of unlimited immigration, their argument was that employers and the rich were the winners.
Going back to my point, I’m talking about the loons on the far left and far right peddling hate, all unshackled by the current political chaos and using social media. A hard left lecturer at Liverpool University, Dr David Scott Samuel, even pushing the crank anti semitic theories of David Icke, whilst Ken Livingstone was expelled from the Labour Party for unacceptable comments, and at the other extreme we have the dangerous ramblings of Trump, whilst followers of England First and National Action idolise the Nazis.
This should not be dismissed, as there are growing thousands of people who believe in all that and are emboldened.
Homeless servicemen are far more likely to be on the streets because of marital breakdowns & alcohol than immigrants.
Mental health issues, including treatment for PTSD need money, and this government is starving public services of money whilst still raking in taxes. Immigrants also pay taxes, just like you do in Australia.
The whole Tory ethos is a low tax haven which is why they want us out of the EU. Racism is a red herring.
yes agreed .....but the bare faced facts of the issue are that there are thousands of brits living rough whilst immigrants are given a very good deal would be interesting to know who owns these houses that are being used to house them , being paid for by government with tax payers money....owned by lords/m.p's....paid for by govt....??!! massive conflict of interest and all improvements to the properties are probably paid for by the tax payers but i bet the owners still manage to claim as a write off......another massive rort by the's pretty much a dead argument anyway's ****ed in my view..
i would contend the point that immigrants pay tax when large numbers of them have never worked a day in their lives.....moving a family of 7 into 3 bedroom house will precipitate a number of improvements to the property.....all paid for out of the public purse....the smoke and mirror ,cash merry go round begins.
low tax for some .....low earnings for the rank and file.
It's really sad you believe that is a reasonable representation of "large numbers" of immigrants to the UK.