Thunder Bolt
Silly old bat
What exactly is the twit talking about? Surely the info is completely wacko anyway. The most important 'fact' would be to quote an estimation of Brits living in the EU which is waaaaay lower than the number he quoted. Of course we have loads of Brits living in Oz, Canada, NZ and S.Africa to name a few places, that's by virtue of those all being great countries and us having had a large empire and crucially they all speak our mother tongue.
And when they are abroad, the correct term is 'emigrant' not 'immigrant' which is a particularly stupid error as he is trying to correct another.
Try to be objective when you criticise. Calling someone a twit in your first sentence negates any pertinent observation you may want to make.
People work abroad but are still British citizens which is not the same as retiring abroad or emigrating.