Thunder Bolt
Silly old bat
Mine doesn't represent me, and never has.
Mine neither. She is in the ERG, despite Lewes constituency being 52% Remain.
Mine doesn't represent me, and never has.
only because leave won , TYPICAL Remainer gripeDemocracy was corrupted in 2016.
Misrepresenting my views Quelle surprise ... just pointed out there isn't a shred of verifiable evidence that any supposed Russian interference or overspending had any effect which would invalidate the result. Feel free to post evidence that it did and if you or anyone else can't, please stop trying to use this as an excuse to hide your contempt for democratc votes when they don't go your way.
If advertising spend made any real difference Remain would have walked it.
This illustrates precisely why “the public” shouldn’t be trusted with such an important decision. They’re bad enough at electing MPs.
Well if the pricks in parliament had listened to their constituents we would have been out on a straight no deal by now ,but sadly the liberal elites and the establishment have tried their hardest to corrupt democracy , still dreaming of that Norway style soft Brexit by the way
Patronising Remainer assumes Leave voters always believe anything they are told 'shock' ... I voted to leave the EU, how is that an unimplementable fantasy?
You can't say that!!!
Francois was in the Territorials, you know.
I can't recall if he's ever mentioned it.
David Davies is ex SAS would you believe.... ? I'm not sure they would have trusted him with a loaded weapon though.
David Davies is ex SAS would you believe.... ? I'm not sure they would have trusted him with a loaded weapon though.
I still can't shake the Moggster saying:-
'if we stay in Europe for medium to long term, we need to block everything'.
The arrogance of the man to say such a thing having spent 2 years saying the exact opposite.
I'd be so angry if I were a Leaver, the level of contempt he shows you is mind-boggling.
Wish you were right...However it seems Brexit means "Maybe Brexit but when or how no one knows".
Ian Duncan Smith was a Scots Guard, serving in NI and Rhodesia, something he used to mention very often.
Yes, but his job, HIS job was looking after the porridge. And the sellotape.
So you didn't believe the Leave campaign, but voted leave anyway.
Which type of implementable leave did you vote for then, Customs Union or Hard Border ?
I seem to recall it included stopping 70 million Turks from moving into Sussex 'soon'. And something about British way of life. I bounced his reasons recently. It makes a sad and tragic read. Imagine advocating burning down the kebab shop as a precaution against the owners moving in next door and turning the gazebo into a mosque. He didn't say that. But you know that he thought it. I know his thoughts, just like he knows yours and mine, and our political allegiances. It is the gift that comes with being a Prancing Ninny.
That`s not true because people have been complaining about the EU for years not what was said before the referendum ,your just making an assumption based on nothing .