Well-known member
The most marmite person in the UK?
Nah, brussel Sprout person - there are some people out there that like him but they're a bit weird, doing it to be different and basically, wrong.
The most marmite person in the UK?
Totally different a GE is every 5 or less years the vote to leave or remain in the EU was a 1 off vote as was the vote to join it in the first place. No similarity at all.
This is exactly why remain would win. Too many leave voters are like BG and won’t vote again because leave means leave.
There should never be a second vote.
Fairy nuff!No, we need someone who has seen how bad other places are, compared to our little heaven on Earth.
What would happen if:
Tomorrow they voted against No Deal.
Thursday they voted against not extending A50.
Would revoking A50 have to be an option?
I'm pretty sure even THESE politicians aren't capable of that outcome.
The main question now is:-
Will the EU allow us to extend Article 50? - It's not our decision they have to allow it unanimously.
For how long? - The Euro elections at the end of May would suggest id the answer is 'yes' it won't be for very long.
Wrong decision, mate. I understand the principal behind your thinking, but all that will do is let the cheats and liars and shysters who have fought Brexit every step of the way to have their own selfish way. You're right, they're shouldn't be another referendum - we've had one and the result should have been respected by our so-called democratic Parliament - but they'll probably have one to try and legitimise their actions.
So, if you voted leave, vote leave - again and again and again if necessary - and get any friends or relatives you know who didn't bother voting leave last time because they didn't think we had a prayer - get them out to vote too. Let's win another referendum - if they have one - and hammer it into the heads of those self-satisfied, think-they-know-better shysters that leave doesn't mean fanny around with it and hope it goes away.
But they lost, so why do they get another vote? Democracy is democracy.
If we have a Sussex King and Queen shouldn’t it be someone who has been to the county more than once?
Because the government didn't promise to enact the result of the first vote? A decision endorsed by parliament and the electorate in another vote in 2017 ... how many votes do you need before you accept democracy?
It's got to the point where I can't even be arsed to find a straw clutching jpeg![]()
Apologies, I don't see how that moves us forward. Are you saying void the referendum due to the bus and we can all go back to sewing daisies into each others' hair and forget the whole thing?Someone posted eloquently on this a while ago. If you promised to buy a house two years ago on the strength of how it was described by the seller, but without having inspected it yourself, then when you went to see it the house was not what was described, and was falling apart, would you say 'oh well, a promise is a promise'?
That would be completely mindfugglingly idiotic.
Terrified of democracy not being upheld? Yes.So currently 79 remain and 29 leave, (on the highly representative of the nation NSC)
No wonder the leavers are so clearly terrified of a 2nd referendum.
It will be interesting the calculated ferocity of the tabloids tomorrow
So currently 79 remain and 29 leave, (on the highly representative of the nation NSC)
No wonder the leavers are so clearly terrified of a 2nd referendum.
It will be interesting the calculated ferocity of the tabloids tomorrow