The Clamp
Well-known member
My money's on "it would've happened anyway."
Yep. With an added “it’s just convenient to blame it on Brexit”.
My money's on "it would've happened anyway."
They will find some way to dismiss it. But eventually when it starts affecting them and their families, maybe losing a job, a child not being able to get a foreign uni place, perhaps the treatment on the U.S.N.H.S is too expensive and their granddaughter suffers more than she would have had to.
They may start to realise what they have done then.
I'm.going to disappoint you here - I agree Brexit will hurt the UK economy, I've agreed that a number of times on here BUT I believe in the long run the UK will be better off outside the EU. Thus my children will be better off because of it.
There I've not dimissed it![]()
I fear it is likely to be a fudge that can give flexibility to both sides, but won’t resolve the essential underlying issues. Everyone claims victory and nothing really changes.
That would be straight out of the Euro crisis playbook, page 1, chapter 1, sub section 1.01.
As I say this board is soaking in Tories.
PS you don’t know what I do for a living, all the innuendo from you and your fellow travellers on this thread about me is flattering but a bit in the style of the classic box room furious masturbator.
I guess that’s a possibility but:
1. We’ve had two and a half years and no ones suggested a ‘fudge’ that remotely satisfies both sides;
2. You haven’t really answered my question of what other possible compromises exist. It’s probably because in reality such compromises do not exist.
I really fear a no deal brexit now. Not only have I had rights stripped from me that I have held from birth but I am now going to be faced with huge uncertainty to my private life, my business is likely to take a hit and that’s just when I’m selfish and think of myself. I don’t forsee the socialist future you hope for but one where the poorest become poorer and the rich increase their grip on a divide and fractured country that I feel (sometime) has changed beyond recognition from the one I grew up in.
We were confirmed yesterday that we are having our hours cut. I’m losing £216 a month, flat out. That’s almost £2’600 a year which is a massive chunk of our disposable income. Luckily I can pretty much make it up in overtime but working 12.5 hour shifts , at night in a very volatile environment I really don’t enjoy overtime. I need my rest and I need time away from the dangerous , stressful environment.
So I’ll be working more hours for less money than I’m on now.
And at a time when the cost of living is soaring.
Thanks leave voters. I’ll look forward to picking up my hours again “in the long run”.
You have no idea what you have done to the people of Britain.
We were confirmed yesterday that we are having our hours cut. I’m losing £216 a month, flat out. That’s almost £2’600 a year which is a massive chunk of our disposable income. Luckily I can pretty much make it up in overtime but working 12.5 hour shifts , at night in a very volatile environment I really don’t enjoy overtime. I need my rest and I need time away from the dangerous , stressful environment.
So I’ll be working more hours for less money than I’m on now.
And at a time when the cost of living is soaring.
Thanks leave voters. I’ll look forward to picking up my hours again “in the long run”.
You have no idea what you have done to the people of Britain.
The issue I can't understand is :
- *No deal* means no backstop.
- Supposedly the UK wants the deal with no backstop attached.
- The EU doesn't want the deal with no backstop.
So logically there is no way for the EU to get a backstop... deal or *no deal*.
Why not have a deal without a backstop given there can be no backstop ?
So the EU is waiting for the UK to cave - which it won't as *no deal* is an acceptable outcome for the ones pulling the strings, indeed maybe the plan anyway.
I'm.going to disappoint you here - I agree Brexit will hurt the UK economy, I've agreed that a number of times on here BUT I believe in the long run the UK will be better off outside the EU. Thus my children will be better off because of it.
There I've not dimissed it![]()
Cost to economy of Brexit is £7+ a minute. £60 billion since the referendum.
For those doubting the figures, take note, they have been worked out by the Bank of little ENGLAND.
The issue I can't understand is :
- *No deal* means no backstop.
- Supposedly the UK wants the deal with no backstop attached.
- The EU doesn't want the deal with no backstop.
So logically there is no way for the EU to get a backstop... deal or *no deal*.
Why not have a deal without a backstop given there can be no backstop ?
So the EU is waiting for the UK to cave - which it won't as *no deal* is an acceptable outcome for the ones pulling the strings, indeed maybe the plan anyway.
Good point.You are missing the fact that the EU has a commitment to "one of their own" in Ireland. They can't hang Ireland out to dry over a non member state. If there's a no deal and a hard boarder, that the UK's fault.
There’s a lot of ground to cover in your post I doubt I can do it justice, so here goes.
1) The EU is an uber capitalist project, always was and always will be, I know you don’t want to accept that fact, but a fact it is. Ergo supporters of the project are either, Tories, crypto Tories or at best neoliberals which are deconstructed Tories. I have been banned from this thread for upsetting some of the shrill sensitive types on here for maintaining that position, but save a continual stream of personal attacks no one has been able to dispel the fact that the EU isn’t a capitalist Tory inspired project.
2) As per 1) you want to remain because you think the EU is less Tory than the EU........and you accuse me of ignorance.
3) what a miserable joyless type you must be, you could come back with something more witty than that can you? Land of my fathers......listen to yourself. Why do you even care about this storm in a teacup.
4) as per 1) the EU is all about the money, and the EU Parliament et al is merely the gossamer thin veil that conceals it’s black foul Tory monetarist heart. No deal will create problems all over the EU and UK but specifically in Ireland, so the EU is only as strong as its weakest point. If Ireland is subjected to deprivation as a consequence of political intransigence by the EU then the whole project could be dead in the water. This is epoch changing moment for the EU and would propel Brexit to the front of the EUs problems.
Brexit and the Irish birder is not yet it’s biggest problem, an economic crisis is, and holding the back stop line could create the conditions for that.
The EU Parliament elections happen in May, a continuing crisis in Ireland, coupled with economic damage compounded by the ongoing problems in France, Germany and Italy will not bode well for pro EU parties.
So, in my opinion, the EU has more to lose in playing fast and lose with Brexit, so I think there will be a deal as oppose to no deal. You may of course end up being right, but you can’t say (yet) that I’m wrong.
The issue I can't understand is :
- *No deal* means no backstop.
- Supposedly the UK wants the deal with no backstop attached.
- The EU doesn't want the deal with no backstop.
So logically there is no way for the EU to get a backstop... deal or *no deal*.
Why not have a deal without a backstop given there can be no backstop ?
So the EU is waiting for the UK to cave - which it won't as *no deal* is an acceptable outcome for the ones pulling the strings, indeed maybe the plan anyway.
quite. except the backstop is artificial, its a condition that came about to solve a problem, which can be reframed or redefined at their choice.
You are missing the fact that the EU has a commitment to "one of their own" in Ireland. They can't hang Ireland out to dry over a non member state. If there's a no deal and a hard boarder, that the UK's fault.