Two Professors
Two Mad Professors
To be fair, I think [MENTION=1365]Westdene Seagull[/MENTION] would run a million miles at the merest whiff of anarchy. Just like [MENTION=12825]cunning fergus[/MENTION], he will stamp his feet, insist he wants 'no deal' and everything that goes with it, safe in the knowledge that it's not going to happen and their nice middle class lives, salaries and mortgages won't be effected.
They both know that grown-ups with a sense of responsibility will do whatever has to be done to ensure disaster won't prevail and that the people who always suffer are protected, whilst they continue with their 'principled stance' against the Orwellian EU. (Which seems to mainly consist of writing angry posts on a football forum).
In a lot of ways I think this is far more underhand and dishonest than the simple stupidity of the other 'no dealers' [MENTION=14132]Two Professors[/MENTION] [MENTION=21401]pastafarian[/MENTION] [MENTION=33253]JC Footy Genius[/MENTION] [MENTION=11191]Pretty pink fairy[/MENTION] [MENTION=578]portslade seagull[/MENTION] [MENTION=5101]BigGully[/MENTION] [MENTION=20840]The Rivet[/MENTION] [MENTION=17469]melias shoes[/MENTION] [MENTION=240]larus[/MENTION] [MENTION=27463]Tubby-McFat-Fuc[/MENTION] etc