If the Pound has fallen lower against the dollar and euro, then isnt it Project Fact?
More nonsense from the BBC - Project Fear 2 is well under way, with the headquarters at the BBC:
It's fallen yes, but could fall for any number of reasons. Linking it to Brexit is pathetic.
Look at the performance of the pound since Brexit, when did they report it's rise and link it to Brexit?
Okay. If it’s not due to Brexit related concerns, what is causing the drop. There’s a reason, or reasons, so what is causing it?
It's such a small drop as to almost be not newsworthy, but possibly interest rates, maybe the USA policies , maybe influence by the Bank of England. If you're going to link all falls to Brexit you have to link all increases as well. Anyway should be better for you as you don't even live here so you can buy our goods cheaperr.
It's such a small drop as to almost be not newsworthy, but possibly interest rates, maybe the USA policies , maybe influence by the Bank of England. If you're going to link all falls to Brexit you have to link all increases as well. Anyway should be better for you as you don't even live here so you can buy our goods cheaper.
It's fallen yes, but could fall for any number of reasons. Linking it to Brexit is pathetic.
Look at the performance of the pound since Brexit, when did they report it's rise and link it to Brexit?
It's such a small drop as to almost be not newsworthy, but possibly interest rates, maybe the USA policies , maybe influence by the Bank of England. If you're going to link all falls to Brexit you have to link all increases as well. Anyway should be better for you as you don't even live here so you can buy our goods cheaper.
NoDo you make anything?
It's a 2 year graph, today is August 8th, so it runs from there. I was illustrating that the pound has risen and fallen, not what it has done since Brexit where we all now it immediately fell. I am only talking about the BBC even bothering to report this and why they are blaming Brexit. Your point is therefore irrelevant.Any reason why your graph starts in August 2016 and not June 2016?
You're clearly now on the edge of your knowledge of the subject. No one can ever be sure about small movements in the pound, because it can be caused large trading, it can be caused by dealers sentiment. Only large scale drops like that experienced immediately after the Brexit vote can be attributed to one event, not this minor drop.Maybe this, maybe that. So you don’t know do you? Best retract your statement them.
Maybe this, maybe that. So you don’t know do you? Best retract your statement them.
I also why you care if you don't even live here? You're doing far less for our economy than every person that voted out.
Look at the performance of the pound since Brexit, when did they report it's rise and link it to Brexit?
Surely that’s down to Mark “safe hands” Carney’s astute intervention? I dread to think what would have happened had he not stepped in
Ahhh to be a brexiteer. It must be a simple life: if you don't like something or something shows brexit to be bad in any way at all it is just project fear.
It is very Orwellian of them to just dismiss facts.