Two Professors
Two Mad Professors
What are you, 12?
You don't fool me,Greg.When are you starting a thread about cats next?Please remember to take your medication first though.
What are you, 12?
Coo,extra time.So EU youth unemployment,or indeed adult unemployment,is perfectly ok cos they get free data roaming and travel protection for their job-interview bus ticket if it's cancelled.No wonder the EU is such a fudging mess,with priorities like that.But you Ruminants carry on trying to convince us you're sane!![]()
You don't fool me,Greg.When are you starting a thread about cats next?Please remember to take your medication first though.
Coo,extra time.So EU youth unemployment,or indeed adult unemployment,is perfectly ok cos they get free data roaming and travel protection for their job-interview bus ticket if it's cancelled.No wonder the EU is such a fudging mess,with priorities like that.But you Ruminants carry on trying to convince us you're sane!![]()
You are surely not serious? Youth unemployment is worst where the strains of having to try to comply with sensible economic measures in the mad rush to join the Euro. Those countries have 'enjoyed' a terrible harvest the past few years and it is DIRECTLY because of the EU.The difference is, youth unemployment across the EU is not a direct result of EU membership, as is shown by the variation across different member states, whereas consumer protections are a direct benefit to us as EU citizens.
I am not trying to convince you of anything, you are beyond reasoning with.
There is now "significant planning" going on to prepare the NHS for a no-deal #Brexit - chief executive of NHS England Simon Stevens tells #Marr
What a charming gent you are. Close minded and sweary !
You are surely not serious? Youth unemployment is worst where the strains of having to try to comply with sensible economic measures in the mad rush to join the Euro. Those countries have 'enjoyed' a terrible harvest the past few years and it is DIRECTLY because of the EU.
Were Greece compelled to join the Euro? Were they compelled to borrow? I admit that they cannot inflate their way out of trouble because they are in the Euro, but they dug their own hole. This is like blaming the doctor that gave you painkillers because you ate the lot in one go.
The strain of having to comply with sensible economic measures, classic.
Fake news [MENTION=396]WATFORD zero[/MENTION] and [MENTION=23343]Baldseagull[/MENTION] will confirm no deal was never going to and isn't going to happen ..100% NSC guarantee.![]()
No of course they and others weren't compelled. But the whole world knew that they had cooked the books and the EU leaders ignored the stability pact or whatever it was called. There was a massive amount of publicity about it across Europe and the EU and it strengthened anti-Eu and anti-Euro feeling here a great deal. All for the sake of an ideology. The Euro had a very painful birth which could have been so much better had the powers actually stuck to their own rules. Greece and others, I'm looking at Spain and Italy primarily, would have been saved a lot of heartache.
I agree fully.
The EU should not have had some countries in the Euro, like the doctor should not give someone with a history of substance abuse a months supply of painkillers, but the responsibility for not doing anything stupid, even if someone else gives you the opportunity to do something stupid, is still with you.
I disagree that leaving the EU is a rational decision for Britain to take, due to this or any of the other failings of the EU. We should stay in and make the most of the many benefits that it has given us, and work with the other 27 to make it better where it is failing.
Once again you seem to be assuming because the UK or the EU wouldn't be ready it couldn't possibly happen. Hypothetically speaking I would expect Emergency measures continuing the current arrangments with a transition period until both sides can adjust to the new reality.
So, in the event of 'no deal' the extension of EU membership that you suggest would be an 'Emergency' extension and therefore not an extension at all but a 'no deal'.
One where we wouldn't implement WTO rules and tariffs immediately but continue to pay the EU while we build an Irish border, border posts, lorry parks at all the ports, customs points at all ports and airports, design and build IT and manual systems to manage WTO rules and tariffs and then train up all the staff required ?
You seem to be very clear about this![]()
We should stay in and make the most of the many benefits that it has given us, and work with the other 27 to make it better where it is failing.
Perhaps it's only when (OK I'll be kind and say 'if') the job losses begin to mount (etc) that at least some of those who voted on non-economic grounds will perhaps question why they did; it's only the negatives (prices, jobs, public services) that will really impact on the vast majority of people's everyday lives - 'taking back control' is pretty meaningless especially when your job has just gone down the Swannee.
Putting a price on freedom and independence such as remainers do is not in my vocabulary.
How do you measure such a thing with statistics anyway.
a "reasonable" extension, still moving the goal postsWell, it isn't. I am reasonably content that no one is stupid enough to allow it to happen, the delusion that is still around in the mind of some Tories though, is that the EU will bend to our terms to avoid it, it won't, the EU will offer a very reasonable extension to the timetable, we will accept. If I am wrong about this, good luck to us all.
So, in the event of 'no deal' the extension of EU membership that you suggest would be an 'Emergency' extension and therefore not an extension at all but a 'no deal'.
One where we wouldn't implement WTO rules and tariffs immediately but continue to pay the EU while we build an Irish border, border posts, lorry parks at all the ports, customs points at all ports and airports, design and build IT and manual systems to manage WTO rules and tariffs and then train up all the staff required ?
You seem to be very clear about this![]()