Pretty pink fairy
- Jan 30, 2008
- 31,981 ...........time to strengthen our borders , NOTHING TO DO WITH THE EU THOUGH 

And just like there’s no residency register there’s no obligation to register with a GP. And adresses don’t prove you’re a resident or otherwise. I don’t understand how she can tell between tourists and residents. I think she’s been making assumptions.
ok so we just give up and let them stroll in FFS, no wonder this country is ****ed up !
So, someone who lives in Germany knows more about the NHS in London than someone living and working in it.
Gotcha. Must be nice to be the source of so much knowledge and information. Must make the ability to make predictions so easy. Oh wait.....
You have completely ignored the facts I posted about foreign students being eligible for free NHS treatment here whilst they're studying.
Dosent that suit your agenda?
May not cause a problem in your little bubble with no waiting to see a GP.We have over 50,000 immigrant women of child-bearing age in East Birmingham alone who can't speak a word of English.Just trying to find out what is wrong with them blocks up the system,translators struggling to cope with the different dialects.Because of their culture,they can only have a doctor from their branch of islam who must be chaperoned.The list goes on and on,and I bet you don't have that sort of problem.What you experience doesn't mean the rest of the country is the same.
The topic about the NHS was about immigrants. You throwing in something random about students is irrelevant. And in reality, the demand that students will place on the NHS is relatively low as they are younger as so will have less health issues (apart from getting drunk/drugged up, but that’s more likely a problem with English students that overseas).
And just like there’s no residency register there’s no obligation to register with a GP. And adresses don’t prove you’re a resident or otherwise. I don’t understand how she can tell between tourists and residents. I think she’s been making assumptions.
I posted a link reporting facts about health tourism, in post 47081, in reply to you, with the costs involved.
Foreign students are included in that figure for the time they are here, because they have t paid any contributions, so their inclusion is very relevant.
You are aware that official immigration figures include foreign students, aren't you?
Well, your reply to my post which was about the City in general stated “tens of thousands”. Now, they are talking about 5,000 jobs.
Let’s assume (being kind) that you only meant 30,000, you’ve only inflated the 5,000 by a factor of 6. With maths like that you could get a job as shadow chancellor of shadow Home Secretary.
Fair enough but many people have been talking up an exodus.
Depends what you mean by 'subject to'. Will the ECJ have ongoing primacy after we leave/transition phase ends .. (temporary - citizens deal aside). Will we be paying Billions every year ... . Will the UK parliament and law have primacy .. . Will EU citizens face new immigration restrictions .. The talking up of impending doom and problems has been continuous no matter the state of negotiations. I suppose claiming we have surrendered or haven't really left is the only position left for people who have spent months/years forecasting doom.
PS no mention of recession ... finally given up forecasting a Brexit recession?
No need to lie is there.
I cant remember ever saying (or JCFG saying) Brexit wasnt about immigration.Immigration was a huge contributing factor.
The only people ive heard deny it are remoaners(not the same as remainers) who come out with little gems like free movement wasnt on the ballot whilst at the same time contradicting themselves by calling leavers racists and xenophobes.
“The tide of history is moving toward self determination, and Brexit is moving with that tide”
Yes, and they will also be included on the emigration figures too when they leave I assume. Otherwise our population figures would be bogus.
In theory, there should be an annual net effect of 0. If 20,000 come in this year and then leave, and another 20,000 come in the following year, the annual effect is 0.
Plus, half the posts are unreadable to me because they are written by various cocks who I've blocked.![]()
Snowflakes who can't handle alternative views ... bless em.![]()
So, someone who lives in Germany knows more about the NHS in London than someone living and working in it. And I’m sure her views would have been influence by talking to other nurses/doctors too, but of course, they don’t know shit about it.
Gotcha. Must be nice to be the source of so much knowledge and information. Must make the ability to make predictions so easy. Oh wait.....
Not quite sure I get this, isn’t the home office linked into the patient database with regards to visas, so that its possible to see if you are a non EU oversees visitor and are required to pay, in the same way foreign students receive free NHS treatment because they can be identified as having paid the health surcharge as part of their visa application.I think the home office also have a flagging system in place that tells anyone accessing medical records if they already owe outstanding funds for previous treatment.(but not entirely sure on that)
Surely the fact that hospitals do invoice patients that are required to pay would suggest they have tools to identify them. Always room for improvement though.
I don't and never have done. We have two local surgeries in this town, and I can ring up at 8.30 and get a same day appt. It may be a person to GP or a telephone appt. but I don't know anyone else around this area, who hasn't been seen for a week unless it's a planned 7 day in advance booked one.
It doesn't help that patients don't bother turning up for their appointments which cost the NHS over £1Bn last year. Eight million (8M) no shows.
# DesperateOnly half? I'd hazard a guess that roughly 70% of this post is unreadable to me due to the blocking of about 5 or 6 particular Brexchimpletons, dribbling over their keyboards with their badly coordinated simian fingers.
I'm waiting for the next key bit of news that actually matters. I suspect it will be around about October, with the end of that month being the deadline for the Government to report on the options for the vote in Parliament.
Tick-tock indeed.